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Apr 28th 2023
#CrossRiverBank has been Coinbase's customer facing bank for years and surprise surprise¹ it's been facilitating all kinds of fraud for years. coincidence? $COIN

¹ not a suprise at all if you've been following my extensive threads on the subject
I made a bunch of Cross River Bank threads so here's some of them... but let's just start with the money shot. This bank took investment from corrupt Malaysian govt officials both before and after #a16z invested in it.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
🚨【#Sui 代币上线在即,你知道它与其他L1哪些地方不一样?】

3亿美元巨额融资,背靠 #a16z、Jump Crypto、#Coinbase Ventures 等一众明星资本,#Sui 作为Move双子星之一,成为了当下L1的当红炸子鸡:

1⃣Sui Move语言
4⃣Sui 给撸毛党的启示 Image
1⃣Sui Move语言

Sui Move是Mysten Labs在原有Move语言基础上进行的升级版,并以此开发出了现有的 L1 Sui,具备以下优势:



Sui 通过两种不同的方式达成网络共识:

Read 8 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
🧵1/Ω A few things about @crossriverbank, a tiny #a16z funded lender that originated more #PPP loans for "small businesses" than anyone besides Chase, BofA, and Wells Fargo, mostly for people who were not their customers.

Also @coinbase's preferred bank.… ImageImage
🧵2/Ω They paid @McKinsey a bunch of money to tell the world that "while most banks originated PPP loans to their own customers, Cross River leads in originations to new customers"…
🧵3/Ω Unlike other banks that blew up on "fund banking" recently (*cough* $SBNY $SIVB *cough*) @crossriverbank does their "fund banking" differently:

They package all the loans and sell them to weird "fintech" companies like @Upstart. @mikulaja Image
Read 40 tweets
Mar 11th 2023


Read 22 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
【撸毛】#a16z 1100万种子轮投资而TVL只有220万,#coingecho 排名#1636,我最爱的 #ALPHA

链上指数型基金在上轮牛市经历了一系列的萌芽发展和安全事故(老OG深受其害的 $NDX 被闪电贷攻击)一直处于低谷,但随着下一轮牛市的缓慢开启,传统金融市场增量用户进入币圈更多首选安全的指数基金进行投资,其安全保障应包括:

理解了以上指数基金最核心的发展阻碍也就能理解 #a16z 为何大笔投资TVL只有220万的 @alongsidefi ,这么低的TVL当然还没有发币,这也是我们Alpha一族的理想标的,具体玩法:

Read 5 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
🚨 in layman's terms:

when a fund like #A16Z says it "raised" $5bn what's happened is a bunch of liquidity partners ("LPs") have promised to send cash as A16Z finds places to invest it (when A16Z "calls"). Penalties for not meeting calls are *harsh*. -30%+ or more

this is bad.
what's really bad here isn't that some LPs are going to lose 30-50% of their committed capital (which is so far a v. small % of $5bn).

what's bad: LPs don't mind losing 30-50%

what's worse: LPs are using insider trading allegations as leverage to escape their contracts
and what's worst of all: VC funds at this point are the last large pools of capital left that could bail out the cryptocurrency economy. they seem to be evaporating, as I predicted would happen (for exactly this reason, and exactly this way) back in June/July.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023

1/4. Tiếp tục là một dự án sớm mới huy động được $23M từ : Standardcrypto, A16z, Ycombinator, Sybogames...
Và dự án mình muốn gửi đến ae hôm nay là @MinoGamesInc 💎 Image
2/4. Bên dưới là Các thông tin sớm từ dự án mà ae cần biết 👇:

• Là công ty trò chơi web2 thành lập từ 2014 đã có rất nhiều thành công trước đây
• Các Game của #Minogames có hơn 60M lượt #download trên toàn thế giới
• Được hỗ trợ bởi các nhà đầu tư lớn
3/4. Các Khoản Tài Trợ Từ Vc 💸:

- Đã huy động được $15M cho các sáng kiến ​​cryptocurrency của họ trong năm 2022.
-Mino đã huy động được $23M và được hỗ trợ bởi một số nhà đầu tư uy tín trong ngành như : #Standardcrypto, #A16z, #Ycombinator, #Sybogame.. Image
Read 5 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
❗️Son dönemde hiçbir coinin listelenmesi bu kadar ses getirmemişti. Aptos $APT coin Binance, FTX, Huobi, MEXC, ByBit gibi global borsalarda listeleniyor.

🧵#Aptos hakkında floodumuz👇🏻
📌 Aptos Nedir?
Aptos; PoS mekanizmayla çalışan bir Layer-1 projedir. Yani Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche gibi kendi coinine sahip, üzerinde bir çok tokene ev sahipliği yapabilecek, akıllı kontratları destekleyecek bir blok zincirdir.
Ana hedefinde, blok zincir tabanlı uygulamaların daha geniş kitlelere ulaştırılması yatıyor. Aptos; üzerinde yaygın olarak kullanılabilecek uygulamalar yer alması odağıyla geliştirildi.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
A 🧵 about a few Facts and Dates proving the lawsuit 🆚 @Ripple & #XRP was a weapon:

1) In 2103 @chrislarsensf gives a presentation to regulators including the @SECGov,
@federalreserve, #FinCEN, etc, discussing his plan to utilize the #XRPL and how he intends to distribute #XRP;
2) Two years after that meeting, in 2015, FinCEN & DOJ enter into a settlement w/ Ripple declaring #XRP a “convertible virtual currency” and force Ripple to register #XRP sales w/ FinCEN - NOT the SEC - (the SEC is made aware of the deal and its terms pursuant to info sharing);
3) On June 13, 2018 SEC Enforcement Lawyers write ✍️ a legal memo 📝 analyzing #XRP under Howey and these enforcement lawyers DO NOT conclude #XRP is a security and it SO NOT recommend an enforcement action or a cease and desist letter against Ripple;
Read 27 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
The Ultimate Guide to get easy 2x to 5x #altcoin Gains on your own.

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Key Points⬇

Follow "Big Crypto Influencers" and see which projects are they following. Project Mentions from them sure does pump.

To name a few:
@SheldonEvans @elliotrades @TheCryptoLark @ZssBecker @MichaelSuppo @cryptomanran
My Favs
@ElonTrades @ReySantoscrypto @BiT_SHaMaN_TGH
Check Project VC's - "They Play The Brand Effect"
The Bigger and reputable the VC's are, the chances of getting that coin listed on big Exchanges are more favourable

to name a few
#a16z #hashed #Pantera #polychain
or Exchanges
#Coinbase #binance #coinbase #Almeda #Huobi
Read 10 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
موضوع: تحلیل سبد سرمایه گذاری 15 شرکت معتبر سرمایه گذاری #کریپتوکارنسی
1-اعلام #رمزارز های مشترک در #پرتفوی شرکتها
2-معرفی پروژه ها و توکن های فوق ، پتانسیل رشد و ارائه توضیحات شخصی
در صورتی که محتوا مناسب و دارای جنبه های آموزشی برای سایرین است لطفا #ریتویت کنید.
لیست شرکت های سرمایه گذاری بررسی شده:
#a16z #polychain #boostvc #dcg #hashkey #pantera#Placeholder_Ventures #cms_holding #blockchain #Coinfund#fabric_ventures#CMS_Holdings #binance_labs#Multicoin#DragonFly
خیلی مهم- رمزارزهای ذیل صرفا انتخاب کارشناسان شرکت های فوق است و زمان خرید آنها توسط شرکت های فوق فاکتور خیلی مهمی است، به نفع شماست که بدون تحلیل، تحقیق و بررسی، آنها را معیار سرمایه گذاری خود قرار ندهید.

توکن های مشترک در پرتفوی سرمایه گذاری شرکتهای بررسی شده: Image
Read 12 tweets

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