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Mar 17th 2023
🍀Pour célébrer la #SaintPatrick, nous vous faisons voyager jusqu’à Dublin, à travers la littérature d’Irlande dans les collections de @labnf : du Moyen Âge à nos jours !

#Thread à dérouler📚👇
Le département des manuscrits de @labnf conserve un fonds "celtique", dont 29 volumes sont en irlandais ou relatifs à sa littérature.
📖 Le plus ancien est un recueil d'opuscules religieux (copiés aux XIVe, XVe, XVIe siècles) sur la vie de #saintpatrick :…
Au Moyen Âge, l’influence de la culture celtique se répand dans l’enluminure. Reconnaissez-vous le style à entrelacs dans les décorations de ces Evangiles ?
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Jul 13th 2022
Haven’t we had enough planning scandals?…
‘It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the amendments are being rushed through to avoid controversy, negative media coverage, and the requirement to actually explain what is at issue.”
- @Mickcliff

- Me
“On Thurs. evening opposition politicians were given details of 48 pages to be added to a 20-page planning bill.
2.5 hours have been set aside on Wednesday to debate these along with amendments from the original bill. It will be impossible for proper Dáil scrutiny to be applied.’
Read 87 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
'La mitad de las mentiras de un irlandés son ciertas', asegura un dicho anónimo. Al hilo de #ElHombreTraquilo, recién emitida en @la2_tve, y a través de siete películas irlandesas de su director vamos a ver cuánto hay de verdad en las mentiras de #JohnFord
@fordianos #Thequietman
John Ford no nació en #Irlanda, sino en Cape Elizabeth, #Maine (allá por 1894). Tampoco era tuerto, aunque al final de su vida llevara un parche en un ojo (operado de cataratas, no le hacía falta). Ni si quiera se llamaba #JohnFord.
#TwitterCultural #Cinema
Hijo de inmigrantes irlandeses, le bautizaron como John Martin Feeney, aunque solía decir que su verdadero nombre, en gaélico, era Sean Aloysius O'Fearna. (Ahí le tenéis con la pipa, otro de los objetos de los que no se separaba, junto al pañuelo que mordisqueaba en los rodajes).
Read 28 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
First line of famous poems continued by the @openAI GPT-2 example model from "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners" #gpt2poetry #GPT2
It little profits that an idle king,
who loves his throne for a moment to enjoy a good meal,
might, if he was not in the right position,
become the subject of a great banquet.
But as the royal household will do,
so too shall their subjects. #gpt2poetry #tennyson
That is no country for old men.
They are old men of our land, of old times.
Nowhere is this more true than in these two cases,
as it now goes: the United States of America,
the oldest people on this Earth, are all in a state of rebellion. #gpt2poetry #yeats
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