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a #yoonminau where —

jimin forgot to switch accounts and accidentally confessed his love for his enemy, min yoongi. ImageImage
》 tags:
— enemies to lovers
— short socmed au
— qrts are really much appreciated ^^
— sorry for typo grammatical errors
— enjoy !
one. ImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
#yoonminau | hiccup, the universe: the proposal

"Park Jimin," Yoongi swallows a deep breath. "Would you like to change your last name?" Image
It's Jimin's final showcase, he's been preparing for months despite Sarang still not sleeping through the night. Yoongi's running the brunch spot & he's got a record deal on the table..he finally convinces Jimin to have a night out...💍
Read 146 tweets
#yoonminau | a/b/o 🔞

Omega Jimin helped his best friend with his fried chicken business. Their delivery boy had an emergency, so he had no choice but to replace him for a week. And on his first delivery, he stumbles into a secluded apartment that reeks of pre-rut. ++ Image
++ When the door opened, an attractive alpha appeared in front of him. And the way the man's eyes squinted, Jimin already knew that he smelled his omega scent.
-nsfw 🔞
-strangers to lovers
-alpha yg / omega jm
-to!p yg / bo!t jm 🔞
-kn*tting 🔞
-overstimulation 🔞
-rough sx, aftercare 🔞
-use of protection 🔞
-short drabble

Ugh! I'm so terrible at tagging, but anyways let's do this 🥹✊
Read 131 tweets
#yoonminau | in the stars

Yoongi’s looking for the sign he needs to ask his roommate out on a date. It’s been a year since he’s been harboring the devastating crush. Jimin is cool, calm, hot. Yoongi is, a mess. Finally, his hourly horoscope pushes him in the right direction. ImageImage
“Jimin-ah,” Yoongi whispers into the darkness of their shared dorm. It’s just after 1:30 in the morning. Jimin came home an hour ago from the library, an English final kept him there late.

Yoongi knows he’s not sleeping yet by the way his toes fidget under the covers.
“Hmm?” Jimin asks, voice low and sleepy. He may not be out but he’s close.

Yoongi’s heart pounds painfully underneath his skin. Is he really going to ask him now? What if Jimin says no? What if it makes everything weird between them. He takes a deep breath. “I was wondering—”
Read 13 tweets
i have a purely self-indulgent #yoonmin #yoonminau thought because i’m sick but

Omega Jimin is sick, his chest burns with each cough and every breath feels that little harder than the last— lungs constricting and exhales falling shaky. All he wishes for is his alpha beside him, ImageImage
to hold him tight and press petal-soft kisses against his pounding head, sweet assurances when his skin burns, but Yoongi doesn’t.

Yet Yoongi knows the best cure for his sweet omega is warm soup and tea, freshly made by a careful hand and honey-lined to soothe his throat, +
and whilst his alpha all but growls to hold his mate in his arms, the brief moment apart will be far better, he deduces. It isn’t long before the soup is made— chicken and sweetcorn Jimin’s persistent choice— and carried into the bedroom on a tray.

“Hi, baby.” Yoongi draws +
Read 25 tweets
Break Time🪞

Jm comes to Yg's room to have their usual after performance ritual.

day 7 #shytopygweek23 #yoonmin Image
• nsfw, ~2,1k words
• top!yg/bttm!jm
• rockstar yg x stylist jm
• established relationship
• hair play
• body worship
• lingerie
• blowjobs
• strength kink
• manhandling
• wall sex (?)
• consensual rough sex
• aftercare
#yoonminnsfw #yoonminau

There were fingers massaging his scalp and untangling his hair gently. It became a mess in one night on stage, creating a bird's nest from all the shaking he did. Probably him ruffling it every five minutes didn't help to keep it tidy either.
Read 56 tweets
King Size👑🔥

King Min is due an evening visit from the entertainment house, cursing his ministers for such unwanted gifts, only it turns out to be someone he didn't expect.

day 4 #shytopygweek23 #yoonmin Image
• nsfw, ~2k words
• king yg x dancer jm
• top!yg/bttm!jm
• king size yg x queen size jm
• slick as lube
• alpha yg x omega jm
• mentions of escorting
• come eating
• stomach bulge
#yoonminau #yoonminnsfw

The day turned sour pretty quickly. He only had one meeting scheduled, going through the issues with advisors like knife through butter.
Read 55 tweets
#yoonminau | Loving You | a/b/o

Yg and Jm met while at university five years ago, becoming friends with benefits soon after. The two lose connection as soon as Yg graduates and leaves to follow his dreams, leaving Jm behind to do the same. But... Image

- alpha Yg/omega Jm
- friends with benefits
- strangers to friends to lovers
- getting back together
- light angst
- single parent Jm
- side: Taekook
- mpreg/post mpreg
- happy ending

Will start soon... if there's interest. Planned to be a threadfic here.
Starting: May 15th 2023 - 10 PM EET (Eastern European Time)
Read 540 tweets
Plug Me Up🎀

Jm has a request his alpha is unable to deny him.

day 3 #shytopygweek23 #yoonmin Image
• nsfw, ~2k words
• top!yg/bttm!jm
• alpha yg x omega jm
• established relationship
• sex toys
• yg gets plugged up
• slick as lube
• knotting
• stomach bulge
#yoonminau #yoonminnsfw

- Do you think people will be able to shift fully again in the future? - Jm asked all of a sudden.

They were staying together in his hotel suite in Paris during Jm's performances there.
Read 53 tweets
It Won't Fit🍑💦

Jm knows his lover's cock is big. Yg thinks it's way too big. Jm is determined to take it anyway.

day 2 #shytopygweek23 #yoonmin Image
• nsfw, ~2k words
• top!yg/bttm!jm
• confident jm x shy yg
• blowjobs, fingering, rimming
• communication 💗
• canonverse or au

#yoonminau #yoonminnsfw
Read 58 tweets
First Time🌼

After a Run performance Jm and Yg take advantage of the empty dorm to advance their relationship.

day 1 #shytopygweek23 #yoonmin Image
• nsfw, ~2k words
• top yg/bttm jm
• established relationship
• first times
• jm guiding shy yg
• riding
• canon compliant
#yoonminnsfw #yoonminau

Cheers blasted around along with cheering pats on their backs from the overjoyed staff members. It was time to change into the regular clothes after taking a group photo and before going back to their dorm.
Read 56 tweets
◇Body of lies◇
#taekookau #yoonminau

"Where were you?" Jimin rushes forward. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Where the hell have you been?" He grips the collar of Jungkook's blazer, attempting to shake the alpha, though his slight frame struggles to budge him even an inch. Image
Jungkook's face is ashen as he looks around, the heart monitor by the hospital bedside bleeping erratically a weak, ominously slow in its rhythm.
A nurse draws vial after vial of blood frantically from Taehyung's limp arm, the omega unconscious, pale, his lips tinged blue, his body eerily still under piles of warm blankets.
Read 1484 tweets
Sharing Warmth🌃

What happens after THE yoonmin live.
#yooonmin Image
• nsfw, ~1,5k words
• established relationship
• canon compliant
• frottage
#yoonminau #yoonminnsfw

- Ah, hyung, cut it out, - Jm playfully pushed Yg on the shoulder again before collapsing onto bed, covering his face with his hands, - It will be so embarrassing.

For real, could his hyung stop teasing him for just a moment?
Read 41 tweets
Metanoia; a #yoonminau

He tastes of cheap beer and cigarettes. His hands are rough where they touch him, holds him. They are big, covers his throat where he holds him. Those lips are chapped, nothing on them to soften them up.

The kiss is just like that. Rough. Like those lips.
That voice is gruff against his ear. The words spilling out of them, captured between those lips and his ears.

Jimin feels the man moving in him, fast and faster. Quick. This has to be quick. He keeps his eyes closed, no matter what, he doesn't want to see. Doesn't want to look.
“You are so pretty.”

Jimin's nails dig on that back, grasping onto the cheap material of the shirt.

“I will rip you in half if you ever say that again,” he curses, so near his release yet so far.

The laugh is just ghosting over his ear, lips pressing on his throat, “do it.”
Read 114 tweets
#yoonmin 🔞 Jimin feels ill during class and decides to leave, calling an uber to save walking. It happens that the driver is Yoongi, his brother's friend, aka the perfect alpha that he’s been in love with for years. What happens when they get stranded in a blizzard… - Image
- and it turns out that Jimin isn’t ill, but going into heat…

#yoonmin #yoonminau #yoonminnsfw #sujim
Tags - a/b/o, omega Jimin, alpha Yoongi, friends to lovers, love confessions, stranded, car sex, snow storm, heat sex, unsafe sex, mentioned/speculated mpreg, knotting, slick, Jimin’s has a hand kink ft Yoongi’s hands, fingering, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, praise kink
Read 204 tweets

(Remember, it is fiction...)

(or is it🤨)

Bangtán GC:

YG: Just go ahead. Don't make fuss out of it. They didn't doubt a shit when me and Jm went on the show together. "Friends" can hang out with "friend's friends"

JM: YEAH! Totally, we nailed it!
TH: I think we can do it.

JK: Yes. I think so, too....

Joon2seok: Guys? Really? ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Limerence; a #yoonminau -

Marrying one of the biggest businessman of the country was never in Jimin's wish list. Becoming a trophy husband is not something he wanted.

But, when his father died in an accident, leaving his entire business in Jimin's brother's hands, it got messy. ImageImageImage
His elder brother, the alpha of the family, was nothing but a spoilt brat with too much drug and alcohol in his system.

Drinking or snorting the entire business away wasn't really unexpected of him.

Jimin wasn't surprised when the graph of their company started to go down.
He had no other option than accepting the proposal of Agust. Marrying him and merging their companies. Jimin still remembers how Agust assured him that his family will be fine under his protection.

He still remembers how his brother was found dead the next week in a ditch.
Read 41 tweets
#yoonminau #yoonmin

“Alright kid, fun’s over,” Yoongi says from the top step. “Get lost.”

Jimin turns his head and frowns. “Kid?” He scoffs. “I just dismembered this dude for you.”

“And now there’s blood all over my goddamn floor because you were so incompetent doing it.” ImageImage
tw// blood and kinda squeamish descriptions (g0re)

there may be canon mentions but don't take em seriously alright? *smiles in jimin*
and also face-off was my saving grace for this…
Read 48 tweets
#yoonminau where

Min Yoongi, has a plan. That is to abduct Jimin from his father's hand, who is the chief of criminal defense with his own set of laws

But being the heir of the Drug lord, and the obsession he has over the petite male, none scares him ImageImage
making it easier to get his hands on what belongs to him.


Yes, Father 🧎🏻‍♀️
Okay, Jimin being a new rookie officer under his father. He knows nothing about Yoongi, as his father wants to protect his baby boy as much as he can.
Read 6 tweets
A #yoonmin #yoonminau where recluse detective MYG investigates a series of attacks in the city of Seoul only to find out that the people associated with it are all different versions of himself from other universes that somehow ended up in MYG's world. ImageImageImageImage
Not only that but he meets a strange dealer named The Butterfly who has a series of gibberish tattooed all over his body. They two are forced to work together because now everyone accuses MYG for some of the most attrocious crimes in thw city.

But this is only the beginning as+
the true villain is a man named Agust who has been plotting this for a long time and who is no other than Min Yoongi's most dangerous alter ego out there.

And of course the reason for Agust's revenge is one: somebody took away his lover, a man named Jimin who had a series of+
Read 8 tweets
a #yoonminau

“what’a a pretty thing like you, doing in a place like this?” the mobster quirked his top lip up, an almost sinister smirk appearing across his face.

“are you going to order something or not? i have other customers.” jimin glared, despite how sexy the customer……
There were over two dozen men scowering the streets for any sign of something nefarious having occured and inevitably, Yoongi got a call and the group of men, including Seokjin, whom Yoongi now refused to let out of his site, made their way to a dead end street.
There was Jimin's car, haphazardly "parked" against the curb, the whole back end smashed in with, what looked like, incredible force. Yoongi's stomach lurched at the sight, barking an order for everyone else to stay in the limo as he got out.
Read 100 tweets
Rebellion; a #Yoonminau

Ancient vampire king Yoongi's clan catches the omega rebel leader of their realm.

The last omega of their kingdom and the last heir of the werewolf clan's royalty. ImageImage
Yoongi is bored. He is listening to the screams of the rebels in the cells, and his ears are ringing with it.

“Why are they still alive?” he wonders, hands in pockets, walking down the cemented path, “don't waste our resources.”

Taehyung nods, “on it, hyung.”
“I was waiting for your orders about the omega, actually,” Taehyung says, his eyes scanning over the screaming and thrashing werewolves in the cells, “what do we do to him?”

Yoongi ignores the people who are reaching between the bars with desperate hands to take a hold of him...
Read 84 tweets
#yoonminau a/b/o
Set Me Free

Where alpha Yg is just about to enlist in the army with his other alpha and beta members when...
"Hyung," Jm cries while hugging the alpha goodbye. "Hyung, I'm pregnant..." Image
💛 BT5 are a famous idol group and they were about to enlist - only the beta and alpha members;
💙 alpha Yg/omega Jm
💛 Mpreg
💙 Hidden relationship
💛 Angst/Hurt and Comfort/ Some fluff
💙 Mild smut
💛 Happy ending

I honestly don't know what this is lol. Just a wip for now.
okay lovelies... how about we start it now?
Read 340 tweets
Bound, a #yoonminau—[a/b/o]

There is a reason why Yoongi doesn't believe in marriage and commitments. He is not sure if he is made for any of that.

The alpha is quite satisfied with the life he is living while he nears 30. A single life with no responsibility.
- Dom/Sub kind of relationship
- Mpreg
- miscommunication
- Yoongi is terrified of commitments
- Jimin is terrified of being a burden
- Angst
- alpha Yoongi/omega Jimin
- will add more tags if needed
Yoongi looks at the papers on his desk and lets out a tired sigh before dialling a number.

“What are you doing?” he wonders as soon as Hoseok picks up the call.

“I am dying under the paperwork my boss sent my way,” Hoseok, his secretary and best friend hisses.
Read 544 tweets

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