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Most recents (2)

Nov 9th 2020
“First & foremost, we must repair & reinvigorate our own democracy, even as we strengthen the coalition of democracies that stand with us around the world.”

“But democracy is not just the foundation of American society. It is also the wellspring of our power.”

#Tanzania #Uganda
“From Hong Kong to #Sudan, Chile to Lebanon, citizens are once more reminding us of the common yearning for honest governance and the universal abhorrence of corruption. An insidious pandemic, corruption is fueling oppression, corroding human dignity, and equipping...
Read 9 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020

Hivi ndivyo alivyoungua Bibi yangu. akisimulia dada mmoja na machozi yakinilenga.

Ilikua majira ya saa 2 asubuhi Oktoba 27, 2020, Unguja, maeneo ya Garagara Mtoni Kidatu.

Mara ghafla nyumbani kwetu askari wengi wemejazana mlangoni. Wanagonga...🧵
mlango kwa kishindo kikubwa huku wakisema "Fungua Fungua" tupo nyumbani mimi, ndugu zangu, mama na Bibi yetu ambae ni mgonjwa ana stroke.

Mara mama akajibu "hatufungui Mlango".

Askari wakajibu "Nasema fungua" dozen ya Askari mlangoni mara malango ukavunjwa.

Wanaingia ndani...
tokeni hatutoki bomu la kwanza (Bomu la machozi).

Mama akajibu watoto wangu wamefanya nini hapa hawatoki.

Bomu la Pili tukaingia chooni huku tukinawa nyuso zetu, bibi yetu hawezi kuinuka wala kuita wala kukimbia.

Dada yangu yupo chumbani na mtoto mdogo akawa analia kwa moshi..
Read 5 tweets

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