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Feb 21st 2022
This week all eyes will be on #Budget2022. #OUTA compiled some #tips for the Minister of Finance & @TreasuryRSA which we sent to them about 2 weeks ago. Here's our list:
#Budget2022 priorities
OUTA wants to see these as top priorities in Budget 2022:
#Funding to decisively combat & PROSECUTE #corruption.
Concrete ACTION to promote #economicgrowth & address #unemployment.
#Budget2022 Fund the #WarAgainstCorruption
Ensure ample funding for prosecuting state capture, corruption and tax evasion, for @sarstax @RSASIU Hawks & @NPA_Prosecutes.
Ensure support for whistleblowers.
Fund new oversight bodies as recommended by @StateCaptureCom.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
As we head towards the #budget @TitoMboweni announced the government intends to introduce #ZeroBasedBudgeting (ZBB)- the notion that budgets are justified from scratch- to radically cutback on spending. What does this mean?
A thread:
When the RDP was introduced in 1994, the notion of #ZBB (while not mentioned in the RDP doc.) was used at the time to convey the idea that apartheid budgets couldn’t serve as the baseline, but that new budgets needed to be constructed by the democratic state.
A relatively conservative section was controversially inserted on macro economic policy & budgeting- a discussion for another time.…
Read 28 tweets

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