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May 17th 2022
Latest UPDATE on the #TFR (Travel Rule) trilogue:

EU institutions are working to finalise the #TFR text to implement the #travelrule in Europe. Please find below the latest details. The aimed-for deadline for conclusion is still the first week of June.

Key issues on table:

The provisions introduced by the @Europarl_EN requiring #verification of information for each transfer of assets, the additional requirements applied to transfers to #unhosted wallets and the #blacklist of non-compliant entities.

In the past weeks, the @EUCouncil has taken onboard the concerns from the blockchain & crypto #industry, as well as those of regulators and competent #authorities (!), that flagged the impracticality and unintended consequences these provisions would have.

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Sep 24th 2020
Helpful #nhsxCOVID19app explainer [Thread] 👇 from @hadleybeeman.

For more technical background, see… for, e.g. system architecture (v3) and (predominantly @AWS) infrastructure.

Of course, we're still waiting for the results of the trials...
...and, as the BBC's write-up concludes, evidence that #ExposureNotification works in practice is "scant" - in ALL countries attempting it, not just the UK:…

Efficacy (as in NZ) will most likely come from #QRcheckin, which could've been done months ago.
Bottom line, will I be downloading it? Already have - as I did with the other versions, to see what they did.

Will I be using it? Probably. Not least to avoid having to hand over personal details; combined with regular data deletes/resets.

Will I trust it to keep me safe? No...
Read 9 tweets

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