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Feb 15th 2021
@AmerIndependent @RepNancyMace
1. For years I’ve had to go thru a #MetalDetector every time I’ve entered a #FedBldg. Apparently there is a law that prohibits Americans from bringing guns into a #FedBldg. Doesn’t the #US Capitol qualify as a #FedBldg?…
@AmerIndependent @RepNancyMace 2. It’s my understanding that this law was put in place to protect #FedEmployees. I’ve been screened numerous times when I’ve been called for #JuryDuty or when I’ve had to go to the local #SocialSecurity office. One time I had a 4 inch nail scissors in my pocketbook when I went..
@AmerIndependent @RepNancyMace 3. to my local @SocialSecurity office. I wasn’t allowed to take it past security. I had to leave it with #Security until I finished my business in the bldg. I’ve had to go thru #MetalDetectors @MACourts. Americans have to go thru this process for the #CommonGood & what is good
Read 6 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
@FrankBruni 1. These people are unbelievable & they’re #InCharge? Either they don’t know our laws or they think that they’re #AboveTheLaw! Americans can’t enter a #FedBldg w/o going thru a #MetalDetector! I’ve been screened numerous times thru the yrs. @mtgreene:…
@FrankBruni @mtgreene 2. Once I had a 4 inch nail scissors in my pocketbook when I went to my local #SocialSecurity office. I wasn’t allowed to take it past security. I had to leave it with #Security until I finished my business in the building. I’ve also had to go thru a #MetalDetector when....
@FrankBruni @mtgreene 3. I’ve gone into a #StateCourt to serve on a jury. I’ve done this numerous times as well! Now #GOPReps are having #Tantrums about having to go thru the same process we’ve all been doing for ages! What a #DoubleStandard!
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