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Hillary's emails as Sec of State are also of public interest and I am sure its content - not how @wikileaks got them - was the main focus of yours and Politico's reporting. Right?

cc @politico
Another point @politicoalex. I am sure the Biden Diary “is in the public interest and fully protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution" yet Project Veritas was raided for it and two people were charged for trying to sell it. But hey.
Those in the GOP/Con Movement who are no fans of @NikkiHaley are not kicking up a storm about Twitter's double standard and possible illegality by those involved in the leak of the document.

It's not "their" candidate so all is good.

Same as with the abuses of Trump.

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If you have some time, read Chapter Five (page 71) of the IG report on how @Comey's FBI went about Hillary's emails. For example, the feds got "consent" to search "most" (not all Clinton devices).

Fun stuff because #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw…
What I didn't know until today is that the classified (including top secret) emails found in #ButHerEmails were only among the 30K+ emails handed over by Clinton's staff and not the 31K+ they deleted under claim that it was "personal."
Feds "Did not seek to obtain every device including those of Clinton’s senior aides, or the contents of every email account... Reasons for not doing so were based on limitations the Midyear team imposed... [with] the desire to complete the investigation well before the election."
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🚨 🚨 🚨

There were 10 boxes of nuclear secrets laying around at MAL for 18 months tucked into Melania's cloths that it took 30 agents 9 hours to collect.

3:00 PM: Garland Asks How Dare You Critique the Feds.

5:00 PM: FBI Wray Echos the Same Points.

8:00 PM: Those Upstanding Above Board Feds Leak an Incomplete/Misleading Claim About Nuclear Secrets to a State-Aligned Press Office.
In a matter of 8 hours we went from "this isn't a raid and Garland didn't even know about it,"


"Of course GARLAND approved a RAID: We needed to save NUCLEAR DOCS from Trump!"

Soon they will say Biden was briefed due to the risk, but he deferred to DOJ "career officials."
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Are we afraid to test the principle that no one is above the law?

Good question from @MattDallek…
"If Trump were indicted, he would become the first former president to stand criminal trial...

This list is hardly exhaustive and omits the dozen-plus civil lawsuits and civil investigations Trump faces."…
"The rule of law, the notion that we are all equal under our criminal justice system, is among the noblest of principles but also the ugliest of myths.

The question of putting Trump on trial ... is a test for a principle of democracy"
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@FrankBruni 1. These people are unbelievable & they’re #InCharge? Either they don’t know our laws or they think that they’re #AboveTheLaw! Americans can’t enter a #FedBldg w/o going thru a #MetalDetector! I’ve been screened numerous times thru the yrs. @mtgreene:…
@FrankBruni @mtgreene 2. Once I had a 4 inch nail scissors in my pocketbook when I went to my local #SocialSecurity office. I wasn’t allowed to take it past security. I had to leave it with #Security until I finished my business in the building. I’ve also had to go thru a #MetalDetector when....
@FrankBruni @mtgreene 3. I’ve gone into a #StateCourt to serve on a jury. I’ve done this numerous times as well! Now #GOPReps are having #Tantrums about having to go thru the same process we’ve all been doing for ages! What a #DoubleStandard!
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@nytimes 1. @SenWarren @EdMarkey #Murdoch is a #NaturalizedCitizen. He doesn't give a damn about our country! He's only ever cared about increasing his #Wealth. He & @FoxNews sow #Hate & #Division! I honor the #NaturalizationOathOfAllegiance I took in 1968 when I was 14 yrs old.
@nytimes @SenWarren @EdMarkey @FoxNews If I broke my oath as a #USNaturalizedCitizen, I suspect that I would be stripped of my citizenship & deported! The #Murdochs et al are promoting #Sedition & #Insurrection! Strip the #Murdochs of their #NaturalizedCitizenship & #DeportTheMurdochs! #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw!
@nytimes @SenWarren @EdMarkey @FoxNews 3. Per @nytimes: #Murdoch is in the UK "weathering the pandemic." I was told that I would forfeit my citizenship if I lived out of the US for an extended period. Yet he doesn't live here year round & promotes #Sedition & #Insurrection but stays a US citizen. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
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D.C. Circuit gets it right! In #McGahn @realDonaldTrump argued blanket immunity for advisors. But D.C. Circuit ruling says no. The executive branch cannot just ignore checks & balances, including legitimate congressional oversight. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
Read our brief, signed by 96 former members of Congress & executive branch officials, explaining why.…
"No president is a king. Congress and the courts have vital, co-equal roles to play in our democracy. The en banc rehearing of the McGahn subpoena case offers a new chance to get it right."
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Today was a disaster for Trump as the Supreme Ct. gave him a huge loss on his tax returns & financial records. Setting the stage for us to find out why #AllRoadsLeadToPutin with him.

Speaker Pelosi's reaction, below! But first, a word for our "ill-informed" Sec. of Education.🔥
SCOTUS handed Trump one of his worst days ever – rejecting his ridiculous stance that he's basically a king.

Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh joined the 7-2 decision preserving our #ChecksAndBalances and affirming what Madam Speaker has always said: #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw.
The Supreme Court gave Congress (and NY prosecutors) a path to get Trump's records. Madam Speaker made it crystal clear that the House intends to pursue that path.

Unlike Senate GOP, House Dems take their oversight responsibility seriously. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
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Big Win! #SCOTUS explicitly rules in Vance that the President is “subject to the law.” Major blow to his argument that he is absolutely immune from legitimate investigation #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #Vance
This is the key quote -- affirming exactly what 37 former GOP Members of Congress, agency heads, and legal experts said in our amicus brief. Read #SCOTUS’s full ruling here:… Image
“The President is subject to the law” -- exactly right. Really critical language from SCOTUS today. Trump’s attys made stunning ahistorical argument for absolute immunity -- Court rejects Image
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I feel this ruling was full necessary to take the Clinton Foundation down! It shows NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW for state subpoenas and finical records can be used as evidence! Dems can dance all they want, I’m looking for justice! #WWG1WGA #TakeTheOath…
We needed SCOTUS rulings on measures democrats have hid behind for decades! This ruling allows DA’s to open #ClintonFoundation finical records
Also, remember Joe Biden, China, Ukraine, Nancy, Ukraine, thousands of US companies bribing her, VISA stock, Obama, Fast and Furious, Soros donations
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🚨5 key takeaways from today’s pivotal #SCOTUSLive arguments in Mazars, Deutsche Bank, & Vance -- all cases dealing with whether or not the president has immunity from accountability👇👇 #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
1⃣As expected, Trump & DOJ attys portrayed Congressional & grand jury subpoenas as unprecedented and overreaching, when really *their* push for an imperial presidency is unprecedented...and dangerous. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUSLive
2⃣Trump’s attys pretended scope+scale of Trump investigs/pres subpoenas were new. But Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Buchanan, Grant...not to mention Nixon, Ford, Carter & Clinton would disagree! Receipts in our amicus brief. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw…
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Gorsuch trying to figure out the line. SC thinks absolute immunity until end of term -- or does he? #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
Dunne clarifies: key diff is showings. DOJ is saying prosecutor must go to fed court & make affirmative showing that needs critical info from POTUS. THEN burden shifts to Prez to show too burdensome. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
🚨Backwards: President is the moving party here, and should make initial showing that this is too burdensome UNDER ARTICLE II. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw
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Breyer Q's why we'd need to go beyond existing Court analysis & weighing of interests. Francisco insists that Nixon created a “special needs” standard -- but as Breyer points out that was in the context of exec priv claim! There is no such claim here. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
Francisco circles back to local prosecutors: President needs more protection for these elected, biased officials. 🤨#NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
No matter the question, the answer from Francisco is the same: local officials can’t be trusted, and the president must be protected from efforts to investigate. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
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Breyer: why shouldn't POTUS have to show HOW this is burdensome? Why should that be dispositive? Thats the law. Thats Clinton v Jones.

Sekulow with a non-answer: providing that answer alone would be too burdensome!! Just being here is a burden! #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
Breyer: he would hire you! You would do that for him. How is that a burden on the President?

Sekulow: a case by case analysis is too burdensome. Can you imagine going through this subpoena with the President? #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
Tl;dr - Argument here seems to be that any burden is too burdensome, even 3-4 hours working to reply to a lawful subpoena. That can’t be right (and that’s not what Article II requires). #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
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Roberts asks whether the number of committees should matter. Does more committees mean more harassment? What about subpoenas from state District Attorneys? If the president is just getting a subpoenaed a lot overall, should that factor into analysis of a particular subpoena?
Concerning line of q's frm Roberts. If a POTUS is suspected of criminal activity, corruption, conflict of interest, all the relevant bodies w/legal authority may be able to investigate -- & should. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
Do we want a system where POTUS w/MORE cause for concern are MORE protected from investigation? #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
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Thomas asking for where Congress’s legislative power is found.

Letter: it’s an obvious & integral part of Congress’s power, from the beginning through British Parliament. An implied power is no less real. Power of judicial review is implied! #SCOTUS
Thomas really grilling Letter on history: what is the earliest example? #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
Letter: Congress has been issuing the equivalent of legislative subpoenas since President Washington. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw #SCOTUS
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Kagan: points out that the branches have always cooperated, and this administration has completely required to cooperate (and is asking Court to bless that lack of cooperation) #SCOTUSLive #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
Trump’s atty: scale and scope of the requests is alone enough to tell you this is not legitimate.

Kagan, with a little judicial snark: yeah...I think some former presidents might disagree with you that this scope is unprecedented, friend. #SCOTUSLive #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
Subpoenas are for just personal documents -- that should lead to a lower standard, not a higher one. #SCOTUSLive #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
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Ginsberg chimes in: How is Pres Trump different than Clinton, or even Hillary’s law firm records being requested? Nixon tapes?

C’mon, this is not new stuff here. EXACTLY the point we made in our brief. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
As our 37 conservative amicus signers said, Pres. Trump is not unique: like all Americans, including MANY presidents, are subject to legal process. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw…
Strawbridge basically says: “it’s entirely up to us to decide whether we give documents to Congress or not.”
*But that’s not how it works.* Under the Constitution, Congress has power to gather information in order to legislate. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw
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.@gtconway3d Gets it right. The Constitution is concerned with the supremacy of federal law, NOT the supremacy of federal officials. #washingtonpost #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw…
Great work from @nytimes (@COFinkelstein & @RWPUSA) on #POTUS’s bid to destroy the #RuleOfLaw in tomorrow’s #SCOTUS arguments:…
Read the amicus brief in tomorrow’s #SCOTUS Vance arguments from Protect Democracy, @gtconway3d & 36 other former GOP members of Congress, former GOP officials & legal experts:…
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With @ForTheRuleOfLaw, we released a new video calling out @realDonaldTrump ’s shell game to avoid accountability. #SCOTUS is hearing arguments tomorrow in the Vance, Mazars, & Deutsche Bank cases - it must reject Trump’s royal immunity claims.
In court, @realDonaldTrump claims he can only be held accountable by Congress. But then he stonewalls congressional requests for documents & testimony, saying Congress must go to court. Now he’s telling SCOTUS he can stop criminal investigations. NO!…
Today’s video is part of our ongoing effort to shine a light on the Trump Administration's lawless claims to limitless authority and blanket immunity from oversight or accountability. #NoOneisAbovetheLaw Read more on our work…
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The TRUTH Is Here, Learn What THE DS Don't Want You To Know. Go To and visit us often, while the site is constructed to bring you up to date real news about the Corovid 19 Shakedown Hoax With All The DS Players And Their True Identities. @realDonaldTrump
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Oh hey @FBIChicago @USPIS_CHI a year ago we were told you were investigating the death threat sent through the @USPS threatening @JussieSmollett why don’t we have answers yet? We all know he sent it to himself which is a felony. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw…
ICYMI here’s the letter: It caused chaos at the studio and actors were given security detail (which Smollette denied🙄) a security firm had to be hired to vet all mail! Guess you can do whatever you want if you’re on a TV show?
The letter included “white powder” @FBIChicago doing nothing sends a horrible message.…
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@ewarren was brilliant & #NeverthelessShePersisted fighting for democracy.
Our 3 branches of government are designed as checks & balances. If the Legislature has become too partisan, the Judiciary must protect norms of Justice in America. @teamwarren

@ewarren @TeamWarren Of course the Senators should do their jobs. @ewarren is doing her job asking these important questions in the Senate hearing, even as @teamwarren is campaigning with @IAforWarren. Yet this insightful question builds trust that she is the President America needs now. #GOTC
However, if tomorrow reaches a stalemate, and Chief Justice Roberts is put in the position of deciding to call witnesses, it makes us proud that @ewarren anticipated the situation and has put him on call.
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The Trump WH has blocked at least 12 witnesses from testifying, including: Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Don McGahn, Rob Porter, Rick Dearborn, Kupperman. And Trump now says he will invoke executive privilege to block the testimony of John Bolton. [thread]
If your arguments are like the White House's -- "executive privilege" "immunity" "absolute immunity" -- I want you to think about what you're arguing.

You're saying that you want a monarchy, not a republic. A King, not a President.

A dictator. [2]
You're saying the President and all the president's men are above the law. [3]
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