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May 10th 2023
How To Increase The Weight of a Broiler Chicken!

Broiler rearing for meat is a very amazing, interesting and profitable experience. Whether you’re doing this on a large scale or small scale, it is a rewarding process. Image
The broiler chicken is a special species of poultry as it is scientifically made to produce more meat in a very short period of time say 4-6 weeks when they weigh around 1.2- 1.7kg. One of the most dominant Broiler chickens being reared for meat is the Cornish.
However Consumers nowadays want to buy big, healthy birds, so it’s up to poultry farmers to find ways to increase the weight of their broiler chickens as safely and naturally as possible.

For your chicken to grow fast and gain more Weight try this:
Read 9 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
This Special Issue of Animal Frontiers was written by a stellar interdisciplinary consortium of experts, to summarize the evidence on the societal impact of #meat. We hope that it may serve as a reference for future discussions on this vital topic.

As stated in our editorial (with co-guest editor @ederer_peer) "our request of the authors was not to reflect on the most granular levels of current scientific argumentation [but] to derive what can be robustly learned & has most societal significance"
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The publication is a formalized scientific follow-up of the International Summit on the Societal Role of Meat, hosted by @teagasc in 2022, featuring various authors of the Special Issue. The Dublin presentations can be viewed here:…
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Mar 17th 2023
Why do we need seniors to have access to a ketogenic diet to help ward off dementia? Because telling them to eat more fish and blueberries is woefully insufficient! Think I am making this up? I am not. It's time for a thread on a recent study. 🧵 (1/19)
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between consumption frequency of meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables and long-term risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease while taking into account the possibility of protopathic bias (i.e., reverse causation). (2/19)
The researchers analyzed data from the Three-city study, which followed 5,934 volunteers aged 65 and over for 12 years. (3/19)
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Mar 15th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa #Zelensky's adviser, #Arestovich, is also telling the TRUTH.
- The whole idea of #Ukraine and the #West too is to #lie as much as possible to oneself and others and the whole structure #collapses if they start telling the #truth.
@ZelenskyyUa #Arestovich (#Zelensky's former advisor) condemns Zelensky for #war against #ethnic #Russians & #Christianity | 17.1.2023
- The popular advisor of Zelensky #resigned shortly this interview.
@ZelenskyyUa cc:@ ivan_8848
War Is Inevitable?
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
Russia #responded 8 d later by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxy war that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire
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Mar 15th 2023
@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Back in college, I was once appearing for a viva vôce of an economics related subject. The examiner asked us an out-of-syllabus question, "Why do you think the govt gives subsidies for poultry industry?" I will remain forever grateful to my 🧠 for bringing up the answer! Tiny🧵👇🏼
For reasons I still do not understand, my brain remembered something we are taught in primary school. Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by severe protein deficiency. Shamefully, children still die due to it in India. After getting reminded of kwashiorkor, I connected the dots.
I replied, "Kwashiorkor is still prevalent in India. By subsidizing the poultry industry, the govt is trying to increase supply of chicken. This will reduce prices of chicken thus making it more affordable to those who want to eat it. This can help reduce protein deficiency."
Read 5 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
Its not so #cool as it sounds... because of the following,

#Eating #redmeat has been associated with various #health problems, including:
#Cardiovascular disease: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of #heart disease due to

the high levels of saturated fat and #cholesterol found in red meat.
#Cancer: Several studies have suggested that high consumption of red meat, particularly processed #meat, can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.
Type 2 #diabetes: Red meat consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, potentially due to the high fat content.
#Obesity: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of obesity due to its high #calorie and fat content.
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Nov 16th 2022
“The Seventh Descent—Hunting:

“Killing of Planetmates & Eating Flesh Began Our Descent to Savagery & the Apocalypse Today”

is Chapter 7

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

PH 7/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…increasingly separated from Nature, from feeling, & from clear apprehension of reality, humans became insensitive.” []

READ BOOK… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche

PH 7/2
[] “In becoming more numbed to their empathy & fellow feeling, they became inured enough to the spilling of blood, so that making life & death decisions over fellow planetmates became easier.” []

READ BOOK>… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/3
Read 179 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Let me start with #insulin. In the 1970s, insulin was extracted from the pancreas of animals. In the 1980s, @Genentech, working with Eli Lilly (@LillyPad), developed insulin using a new technology that I call #PrecisionFermentation. It wasn’t animal insulin. It was human insulin.
The mainstream would say: “health care is slow, it can’t be disrupted.”

Well, here’s the S-curve of #PrecisionFermentation human insulin. Human insulin disrupted animal insulin in about 13 years.
#PrecisionFermentation is a concept that I coined in my @rethink_x report ‘Rethinking Food and Agriculture’ with @CatherineTubb in September 2019.
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Nov 11th 2022
Slide summary from my presentation at #COP27 about the Unique Role of Nutrient-Dense Animal Proteins for Sustainable Food Security. (thread) #meat #livestock #foodsystems #nutrition #climatechange #malnutrition #hiddenhunger #foodsecurity Image
Are the charges against meat and livestock justified? Are we looking at this debate in a holistic way? Are we certain of the evidence against meat? Image
Or are policymakers afflicted by "Carbon Tunnel Vision" and not taking into account the multidimensional value livestock have to human health, rural livelihoods and ecosystem function? Image
Read 15 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
Last month, @WMO reported that methane emissions are rising faster than ever.

Today, we explore how governments fail to tackle methane emissions from animal agriculture—and why we need to slash methane emissions now to tackle #GlobalWarming and ensure a livable future. 1/13 Image
2020 and 2021 saw the largest increases in methane emissions since records began, according to @WMO.

Their data indicates that biological sources, such as agriculture, are responsible, rather than #methane from gas leaks. @ConservationOrg reports. 2/13…
Animal agriculture contributes to global warming through GHG emissions, including methane and nitrous oxide.

Millions of ruminant animals raised for food globally, such as cows and sheep, emit #methane through a process called enteric fermentation. 3/13…
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Oct 13th 2022
Proud to announce that I'm co-organizing the International Summit "The societal role of meat - what the science says" in Dublin, next week. Top speakers, and - YES! - possibility to follow the various keynotes online - register here for #MeatInSociety:…
Session 1: the role of #meat in diet and health
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Sep 16th 2022
Are human bodies adapted to eating #meat and other animal source foods? And how do we know?

🧵 with summary of @aleph2020 info 👇…
Animals thrive best on diets resembling the ones to which they are physiologically adapted; it would be unlikely that Homo sapiens constitutes an exception to this principle. Any discussion on the healthiness of meat & other animal source foods should at least address this. Image
Homo sapiens emerged with the anatomical & physiological equipment of a habitual rather than facultative meat eater. Those who argue that the human diet is naturally herbivorous based on a phylogenetic relationship with apes overlook key divergences that occurred during evolution Image
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Sep 8th 2022
This week, people have been discussing if eating #oysters conflicts with following a plant-based diet.

Today, we’re taking a look at the definition of sentience and #veganism—and at animal species that have been proven to be more sentient than humans used to think. 👇1/14 Image
Although there is legal and scientific disagreement about #sentience, there are some standards that are broadly accepted.

According to @SentienceInst, sentience is simply the ability to have positive and negative experiences, including pain. 2/14
The concept of animal #sentience is important for ethical reasons.

If #animals are sentient beings capable of feeling pain, most humans would agree that it is morally wrong to cause unnecessary pain or suffering to them. 3/14…
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Aug 14th 2022
These options advance SDGs but have trade-offs too.
#Enablers: #Awareness and educational programs (#SDG4 and #SDG12), technological solutions/#innovation (#SDG9), innovative #policy designs (#SDG16), involvement of multiple #socialactors (#SDG17)

92 Interventions are identified from 1000+ literature that helps to #Avoid or #Shift or #Improve in emissions.

#foodwaste reduction- 34 interventions: 10 Avoid, 10 Shift, 14 Improve

sustainable #dietary choices- 58 interventions: 15 Avoid, 7 Shift, 36 Improve
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Aug 12th 2022
This week, the media reported on a @Cornell study, warning that #meat alternatives could cost millions of jobs.

The reports did not consider the human costs of animal agriculture and that a more #PlantBased food system would create jobs that don't involve slaughter.👇1/13
🚫A new study has shown the devastating impact of #PlantBased beef alternatives on jobs, Rob Waugh reported via @YahooNews.

The article warned that #meat alternatives cost 440,000 jobs in the UK. 2/13…
🔍 The @Cornell study estimated that a shift to #PlantBased alternatives would result in job losses being offset by growth in other sectors.

The authors predict that workers in the beef sector "are likely to experience most of the economic losses." 3/13…
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Aug 5th 2022
With heat waves raging across the globe, more and more people are eager to take #ClimateAction.

Today, we share ten impactful action steps recommended by @EarthHeroOrg and @ProjectDrawdown to tackle the #ClimateCrisis and some recommendations on how to implement them.👇 1/12 Image
The @EarthHero app helps users set targets to reduce #emissions relative to global averages and #IPCC recommendations.

The app also includes action steps that involve working together, advocating for change, and holding decision-makers accountable. 2/12 Image
Action #1: Plant-Based Diets

@EarthHero identifies #PlantBased diet as one of the most effective ways to slow #ClimateChange and protect planetary health.

Browse our "Dietary Change" resources to put this step into practice:
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Aug 3rd 2022
If you think #Nutriscore is bad, prepare for worse.

They've now decided that the scores are too benign for red #meat 🥩 - therefore, the algorithms will be tweaked so that this inconvenience is out of the way.

This is not science. This is a crusade.
There are many issues with #Nutriscore. Here are some examples that illustrate its often nonsensical outcomes (note that the designers already tweaked the score of olive oil from D to C to accommodate criticism from Mediterranean countries)
But given that the entire thing seems designed to give the prevailing dogma a boost, based on the magic of #nutritionism (calories! fibre! saturated fat!), some remained rather unhappy with the fact that red meat is often scoring A/B. Imagine, suggesting that meat's good for you!
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Jul 22nd 2022
This month, the dramatic #FarmersProtests in the Netherlands have captured the media's attention.

Today, we take a look at what the coverage got wrong about the #boerenprotest and the #BigAg interests many journalists failed to mention.👇 1/19… Image
🚫Most reports failed to mention 8 major companies that have an interest in protecting the status quo:

🐷 meat: @VionFoodGroup, @VanDrieGroup & @PlukonFoodGroup
🌽 feed: Van Heus, For Farmers & @Agrifirm
🐮 dairy: @FrieslndCampina
💵 finance: @RaboFoodAgri

🔍"The Mighty Eight try to be invisible because the more it is seen as a #farmer protest and not the big industry behind it, the better,” says @FrankMechielsen, @feedback_europe.

@Agrifirm even supported the #boerenprotest financially, @NOS reports. 3/19…
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Jul 18th 2022
Here's a surprising reason to be cheerful:

🟢40-60% of the weight of a slaughtered cow goes to making ground beef...

... and ground beef is by far the easiest meat product to replace with precision fermentation or cultivated meat.

Short 🧵 1/… #vegan
The #climate wrecking livestock industry is barely profitable as it is.

Globally it is propped up by much of the $540bn spent on #agriculture subsidies per year.

In the UK 90% of an average livestock farm's profits come from subsidies.

With such tight margins, farmers have to sell every single part of a cow for the numbers to add up. This is known as the 'carcass balance'.

So, if that 40-60% of the carcass balance is replaced, the business model of farming and killing these sentient beings collapses.

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Jul 16th 2022
Happy #WorldSnakeDay. #Snakes have an unfair reputation as being poisonous/ aggressive. Our fear of snakes may come from Christianity. Satan took the form of a snake tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. Yet snakes aren't bad at all! They're critical to ecosystems around the world
#Snakes evolved 130 million years ago in the Cretaceous period from a common ancestor that they share with #birds and other #reptiles. They have cloacal spurs or vestigal limbs, which shows their shared ancestry with limbed reptiles. #WorldSnakeDay 🐍🐍🐍
#Snakes see on the infrared spectrum using heat receptors called pit organs making them epic predators with natural night vision goggles to see prey. Snakes have a detachable jaw which can swallow food whole that is much larger than its own body weight. #WorldSnakeDay 🐍💚
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Jun 26th 2022
Complaining about the right to choose?

Why wasn’t that right taken advantage of the night at the bar to NOT have Sex with someone ones barely knew?

A woman or man could EASILY say, “you know what I’m not going to sleep with this man/woman because if something were to happen
I’m not ready to have A baby, especially with someone I barely know” …

Same goes for pretty much EVERY OTHER SCENARIO that could be brought up.

If A woman is carrying A child from being rapped or some other Circumstances, there should be some kind of Exceptions.

Get to
The #ROOT of it all, WHAT DO YOU SEE?

The people have this world have been programmed & Hardwired to self destruct from birth on …

What ever happened to THAT side of life, sex & relationship being sacred?

It’s like there’s BILLIONS of Adams & Eves running around the world
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Jun 24th 2022
This week, investigators found that German #meat companies sold sausages made from bones.

The #livestock sector is highly secretive, hiding its practices from the public eye. As a result, many people don't know what animal products are made of, including these 8 examples.👇1/11
Many #ChickenNuggets contain very little actual meat.

Instead, they mostly consist of fat and other body parts, including #chicken nerves, bone, skin, and connective tissue. @iltaylorwriter reports. 2/11…
Few people know that #horse blood can be involved in the production of pork and beef.

Farmers across Europe use a hormone derived from pregnant mares to increase reproduction in pigs, #cows & other farmed animals. @KevanySophie reports via @guardian. 3/11…
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Jun 11th 2022
🔴 BREAKING: XR Animal blocks #Viangro, Brussels' major meat processing site. We denounce the company's #GreenWashing and gov't funding of animal agriculture.
@DavidClarinval, it's high time for a transition to a resilient #PlantBased, #SustainableAgriculture‼️ Thanks to Brieux Van Elst a...
...#Viangro boasts about its progress in sustainability (e.g. new packaging) and presents itself as an #AnimalWelfare advisor, but in fact their suppliers are #FactoryFarms which sell products that are disastrous for #AnimalWelfare and the #Environment... Image
...The group's financial health has been deteriorating since 2013. Already benefiting from a 20,000 m² plot of land owned by @CityDevBrussels, the belgian government recently granted #Viangro a loan of €3m... Image
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