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Aug 28th 2020
The world is controlled by a satanic elite.

My research/experience has confirmed this. To talk about politics is meaningless. It is truly sad to see people asleep. Everyone is focusing on the matrix. If I'm dismissive, it's because I don't care to eat fake steak. #annuitcoeptis
Funny how the satanic elite perfectly describes the conspiracy to discredit it. These are not coincidences.
There's a reason why the Egyptians worshiped the snake, cat and dog head. Some call them "Jinns" the ones that can take the form of the reptile. 🦎…
I am using this tread to tackle all angles of the level of control that the satanic elite has on this world. Exposing their tools, method, and form of slavery over humanity.

Money/debt is the first level of control.

That's why the pyramid exists. 👁️

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