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Oct 22nd 2022
1 soutien inattendu et majeur dans la course pour devenir leader Tory et PM en Grande Bretagne: Kemi Badenoch, étoile montante du conservatisme culturel droitier, issue de l'immigration nigériane, vote Rishi #Sunak. L'ébauche d'un tout sauf #BorisJohnson?…
2. Le ralliement de #Badenoch à #Sunak semble indiquer qu'1 éventuel duel avec #BorisJohnson- toujours pas candidat- ne se fera pas sur 1 clivage modérés/radicaux chez les conservateurs mais bien plus sur le degré d'adhésion ou de rejet de la personnalité et du style de l'ex PM.
3. #Badenoch, qui a étonnamment brillé lors de 1a précédente course au #leadership en juillet sans se prononcer alors entre #Sunak et #Truss, joue aussi clairement le coup d'après #BorisJohnson s'il est écarté. Très jeune (42 ans), elle peut mener l'aile droite Tory à l'avenir...
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Jul 19th 2022
Highland Council are offering to buy homes, at market value, to ensure they are not used as holiday or second homes. This will 🤞 help to ensure more affordable housing is available. If you are thinking of selling in the #Highlands please consider. #afforablehomes #innovation
To respond to a few common questions and challenges here:
1. I agree - this won’t solve the housing problem in one move, but it is a positive and proactive step that local authorities can take now, without needing further powers. See #buildingourfuturehighland
2. You may not make as much money for your house as if you sold it on the open market – but you won’t have to pay estate agent fees or home report fees, which will help with meeting the same financial return as selling on open market. Not all property sells for over valuation
Read 8 tweets
Jan 30th 2021
Brilliant freelance📷documentary photographer @andyaitchison has for years shone a light on prisons and immigration detention centres.

Yesterday police arrested Andy, held him for 5 hrs, seized his mobile phone & camera's memory card.

Crime? Doing his job. 1/
Andy's arrest comes the day after authoritarian minister for Equalities (yes, Equalities) @KemiBadenoch smeared brilliant journo Nadine White @Nadine_Writes , exposing White to predictable trolling and abuse. 2/

Liz Truss @trussliz played the same dirty trick on @Halima_Begum CEO @RunnymedeTrust, using inflammatory language *in Parliament* that she must have known would expose Begum to trolling, abuse & threats of harm. 3/

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