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Sep 8th 2020
Moving into a new apartment is an exciting experience. Yet, the fun part is in the decoration; at least in theory.

While some people have great eye for design, most of us rely on the pros to make our apartments feel like a home.

Decorating your apartment on a budget [A Thread] Image
Color & accessories

Nothing is as personal as color. The color of one’s home is said to reflect their personality and lifestyle.

Use color wheel to create your own color scheme. Sticking to two primary colors and two home goods are recommended. Image
Lighting (daylight and artificial)

The right lighting can lift your spirit, enlivens the little things and make you more productive.

Use window treatments that let in a lot of light: sheer fabrics or blinds.

Have at least 5 sources of light placed in different locations. Image
Read 10 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
This ruined my lunch!!!
After seeing this, I literally lost appetite🥺🥺🥺
#BBNaijaLockdown || #Africa || #StaySafe
Saw this as the beginning of it all
#BBNaijaLockdown #Africa #Nigeria #StaySafe
Pld check out and subscribe to my youtube channel 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💙

#BBNaija #bbnaija2020lockdown Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Holdup “Kaisha has inferiority complex”
“If not cos of #BBNAIJA Kaisha can’t stand next you”- Dora
What are these girls saying? I’ve heard a lot of rubbish about Kaisha from these housemates and it’s getting too much
Do You Even Know Who Kaisha is???
Maybe it’s time to spill!
Kaisha ‘s Father Is A Very Rich Man Like Kiddwaya’s. Alhaji Umar is Sarkin (King) of Alaba (in Lagos here) and he has been ruling for morethan 16years.He’s a traditional king of Binji in Sokoto state, Bobaselu of Oto Awori Kingdom, good friends with Tinubu,Fashola & many Big men
Aside Kaisha ‘s father’s wealth, Kaisha’s mother is a big Igbo business woman. Mrs Mary owner of Mary Essential stores Nig Ltd. A major distributor for over 30 companies including Indomie. Present chairwoman of Okoko Market Traders Association.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
3 days ago, the British government launched a new health and care visa creating a fast track route for health and care professionals to enter the U.K. in this program, health care professionals will be exempt from the immigration surcharge. All applications will be treated
in just 3 weeks. This program will start accepting applications next month.

It is clear that the British government has thrown open its doors for health care professionals. It is an opportunity to work with the NHS, #BBNaijaLockdown #Dorothy
there will be a scramble to access this advantage by health professionals all over the world, it will be in your best interest to contact us before the scramble begins. Chat with us on +2348034781605 and start your process right away. @threadreaderapp unroll
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