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Most recents (2)

Jan 6th 2019
If you know someone who is experiencing abuse, you are not powerless. You can help.

Over the next week, we will provide ways for you to support your loved one & interrupt sexual abuse wherever it’s found. Let's end sexual violence against Black women & girls #BelieveBlackGirls
You can intervene in sexually abusive situations by providing your loved one with a list of resources. They may not be able do this research on their own. #BelieveBlackWomen #BelieveBlackGirls #BlackWomenSurvive
Work with your loved one to create a safety and/or exit plan and determine what methods of support you’re able to provide. #BelieveBlackWomen #BelieveBlackGirls #BlackWomenSurvive #EndSexualViolence
Read 7 tweets
Jan 6th 2019
Thread for my white #feminist friends (of all genders)

Content: Sexual violence, racism

There is a racial divide on social media regarding #SurvivingRKelly
Most black folks I know have posted about the docuseries in the last few days (thankfully black people in my networks are expressing support of the victims of sexual abuse & coercion though their posts suggest to me that is not the case with their entire friends network)
In contrast, nearly all white folks I know are not even acknowledging the docuseries, the #RKelly conversation, nothing. This divide/contrast reminds me that white people are not required to know what’s happening to and among black folks.
Read 18 tweets

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