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May 30th 2020
Brown people,

I have recent, painful memories of non-Black POC not showing up, not mourning, not joining in the fight when Black people are targets of state violence. I want to say I see that changing. #DefundThePolice #BlackAndBrownSolidarity #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
I see Brown people making statements of solidarity, defending Black freedom fighters, and calling in their own people without being asked, and it means so much to me. #DefundThePolice #BlackAndBrownSolidarity #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
That being said, I want to see Brown people talk to each other about more than anti-Blackness in the abstract. While important, discussions about colorism, about hair, about the n-word, are not enough. #DefundThePolice #BlackAndBrownSolidarity #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
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