Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #brexitcentral

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Dec 9th 2019
You remember #stopthecoup?

24th September - barely 2 months.
Inconceivable really, both that it could happen, and the mobsters could then stand.

Except...who'd have thought.
Turns out piracy pisses off OneNations more than anything else

Come, tour #Kensington for a fun story
They're not the normal #Tory lot here. Where the #Tory money is, normally #Brexit follows. So when they kicked out a Lady of the Manor in 2017, eyes opened.

A huge slice of the Tory base jumped ship for a #labour MP, @emmadentcoad. Tories, putting country before party? Nah??
It didn't help that the Lady MP, in London's most European borough, was the sort to cackle delight at #Brexit

Either way, we thought they'd learn. Tories aren't stupid, right?

So imagine our delight when they finally picked a PPC from...#brexitcentral. How to make friends.
Read 7 tweets

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