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Feb 9th 2023
1)#Rwanda is desperately looking for a way to invalidate the #Luanda Peaceful agreement which says that M23 should withdraw from their occupied areas!They had been trying to trick Congo into signing new agreements so that all about Luanda is forgotten!
2)The day #Rwanda signed the #Luanda agreement,they were looking for a way to bring #East #African military in #Congo. #EAC was promising to fight M23 but it was a trick.That #EAC military was to be a backup to #Monusco which may be forced to leave soon by angry population!
3)While #Congo was hoping to attack #M23 with the help of #EAC,EAC was timing to just settle down in territories occupied by M23 as a buffer zone.EAC was to do the same way Monusco has been sitting there,only facilitating to loot Congo's natural resources!Same agenda!
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Dec 10th 2020
Apparently the Mobile money agents in #Bujumbura are more reliable than ATM 😂. They work 24/7 with all banks... Imagine. #Burundi
Considering ATM branches are closing in some neighbor countries... I am eager to see the change that will happen soon in #Burundi once Bi-switch is operational Image
Plus till now you need to sign papers and beg mobile money operators to use their API in your products (app, website...). Very unpleasant for young developers in #Burundi
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Sep 28th 2020
8/n #Burundi After yesterday's thread, a lot have asked me my take on "mentorship/accompagnement" for youth in this IT industry and I have my bit of opinion on this. Again, as I said, you need to understand the mindset here: a young trainee will come to you the Burundian way
9/n We @UbuViz have been running a program for over 2 years where we take in interns from different universities of #Bujumbura and teach them the basics of professional programming. Most of them never come up with their own ideas 🤷. That's the #Burundi-an way 😎 😂.
10/n We are accustomed to be told what to do by our parents, teacher, priests/pastors, gov ... we forget that in IT, Innovative ideas are kings. How do you mentor future young developers/entrepreneurs to think outside of the box in #Burundi ?
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Sep 27th 2020
1/n #Burundi If you are a "start-up" Burundaise let me give you practical solutions that can help you last in this #Bujumbura quagmire. Trust me, I have years of making the same mistakes in here. First you need to understand the mindset here :
2/n Try not to seek funding for your idea if you don't even have an MVP( Minimum Viable Product). The Burundian funder will surely want the ownership of your product since he will consider that he funded your idea! Your idea unfunded was shits 🤣! #Burundi
4/n 4/n Cost of a MVP: you need a server, internet, electricity, an IP address and a domain name for hosting your application just for the first client to use your product and get you the funding you need to finish honing your services #Burundi
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Aug 19th 2020
#Burundi A lot of peoples do not know that but if you look at the annual report established by BRB, you can find that we have been exporting fishes for a long time (~80's) to Europe. It is said that its jar fishes! 😎
#Burundi We grew up with some (old) families doing some fish farming in ponds in the middle of Kinindo . A lot of peoples do not know this. lol. I remember one day the fishes escaped from the ponds and entered the gutters. it was funny! Image
#Burundi We also have peoples fishing for catfishes by the lake in Kabondo! They use a reed basket woven on site. The fish go up the gutters. And even the hippos. #Bujumbura ImageImageImageImage
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May 23rd 2020
En 2005 Agathon Rwasa a essayé de semer l’insécurité et n’a pas pu empêcher les élections. En 2010 il est entré dans la saga de contestation IKIBIRI. En 2015 il a été ballotté par le vent CNARED. En 2018 il a appelé à voter NON. Il n’a donc aucun sens de la démocratie.
En définitive, comment quelqu’un sans aucune expérience démocratique, ni dans la vie de la Nation, ni dans son parcours rebelle (Agathon Rwasa éliminait physiquement tous ceux qui le contredisaient) peut s’ériger en donneur de leçon en démocratie?
#LeSaviezVous? En 2005 le #Palipehutu de Agathon Rwasa a essayé de perturber le processus électoral mais a lamentablement échoué. Le @CnddFdd a gagné Haut la main.
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Aug 24th 2018
FLASH 🔴 Disparition d'un groupe de tambourinaires venus du #Burundi en #Suisse: le @BurundiGov "tient l'Ambassade de #Belgique à #Bujumbura pour seule responsable des conséquences de l'octroi des facilités à des personnes qui veulent ternir l'image du Burundi"
Le @BurundiGov s’étonne "de la facilité avec laquelle l'Ambassade de #Belgique au #Burundi a délivré les visas à des gens sensés allés représenter le Burundi sans qu'ils n'aient présenté de document officiel" alors que l'@BelgiumInBuja est minutieuse "quand il s'agit d'officiels"
COMMUNIQUÉ 🔴 Rappelant que "la #Belgique délivre les visas au #Burundi pour les courts séjours au nom des membres de la zone #Schengen", les ambassades de l'#UE "nient toute volonté de nuire à l’image du Burundi" dans l'affaire des tambourinaires burundais disparus en #Suisse
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