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May 19th 2023
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 19-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
«O υπερπολυτελής συρμός ΔΕΝ ανήκει στον πρόεδρο της #Ουκρανίας #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι»

«Ο ισχυρισμός κρίνεται #αναληθής. Τα υπερπολυτελή βαγόνια που απεικονίζονται στις φωτογραφίες δεν αποτελούν το εσωτερικό κάποιου τρένου που ανήκει στον #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι. [1/2]
Οι εικόνες προέρχονται από υλικό που κυκλοφόρησε το 2015 από το εσωτερικό επιβατικών βαγονιών που δημιούργησε η εταιρεία #Ukrainian #Railways στα πλαίσια διεξαγωγής διαδρομών με αυξημένες παροχές.» [2/2]…
Read 24 tweets
May 10th 2023

#AlexandraSubstation affecting #East Bank has been restored, but one load center remains off. The Mini Substation is affecting Chariots of Fire Street. The Mini Sub has been ordered, and the contractor was not able to collect all the materials for repairs.
#Alexandra Substation Jabulani Crescent Distributor tripped due to to a cable fault. The test branch was not able to locate the fault.

ETR will be communicated once the fault has been loacted
#Alexandra Substation Bush Buck Distributor tripped affecting #Far East Bank, West Bank, Stjwetla and surrounds. Our resources are on site locating the fault.

ETR will be communicated once the fault has been located.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2023
A mega #Thread compiling some lesser known facts that will make us rethink the #HumanCivilization & the extent of #Bharat
Plz read & share 🙏

1/12 let's start with #Ramayan!
In Rishi #Valmiki narrates the description of #Lanka given by Shri #Hanuman as a beautiful country with ImageImage
chariots & vimanas. He also describes #FourTuskedElephant guarding #Ravan 's gates.
Now known as #Gomphothere , that roamed #Earth 19 million yrs ago! 🤯🚩

NO OTHER text in the world describes it!

In #Ramayan , #Sugriva sends #Vanar in 4 directions to look for Maa #Sita ImageImage
While sending, he describes #Geography as follows
World #Geography >170,000 years was different than present
many parts of Himalaya & big mountain in Kentucky ,USA were submerged in water

So here is the story in more scientific way 💁‍♀️

Team travelling to #east, will have to Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
1)#Rwanda is desperately looking for a way to invalidate the #Luanda Peaceful agreement which says that M23 should withdraw from their occupied areas!They had been trying to trick Congo into signing new agreements so that all about Luanda is forgotten!
2)The day #Rwanda signed the #Luanda agreement,they were looking for a way to bring #East #African military in #Congo. #EAC was promising to fight M23 but it was a trick.That #EAC military was to be a backup to #Monusco which may be forced to leave soon by angry population!
3)While #Congo was hoping to attack #M23 with the help of #EAC,EAC was timing to just settle down in territories occupied by M23 as a buffer zone.EAC was to do the same way Monusco has been sitting there,only facilitating to loot Congo's natural resources!Same agenda!
Read 6 tweets
Dec 25th 2022

Migrant criminals who want asylum in France or the UK.

What would you do with third-world trash like this?
Swedish police losing control over the migrants. They were warned!
Christmas Eve in the city of love as immigrant Kurds team up with others to destroy Paris.

Isn't Diversity Wonderful?
Read 10 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
For every #SriLankan who saw protestors at #GGG being assaulted by the #military & said "if they are doing this in #Colombo, can you imagine what happened to #Tamils in the #North & #East?" ENOUGH! There is no need to imagine, we know! 1/8
There are enough videos, films, still photographs, eye witness testimony, survivor testimony #UN reports, & other expert reports to clearly lay out what happened in #Mullivaikkal & before, was #CrimesAgainstHumanity, #WarCrimes & #Genocide. You chose not to believe! 2/8
There are 100's of people who died getting that information of #WarCrimes out of the #WarZone. Too many #journalists & #activists were killed, attacked, jailed, #tortured & exiled trying to disseminate that information, because you chose not to believe. 3/8
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May 7th 2022
The #Crumbling #Empire & its #EU #Vassals are #Locked in an #Economic #War of #Attrition with #Russia, which it did NOT #Expect & against which it has NO #Plan on how to #Win it.
The #Increase of ever #More #Sanctions on #Russia are #Hurting both the #US & even more>>
the #EU-part of the #Empire more than #Russia,
in a steady #Rising way, creating more & more #Resistance against it, both in the #US as in #Europe.
In the #Battlefield- #War-#Theatre however, its clear that the #Russian #Allies are slowly, but #Decisively & #Grindingly>>
#Destroying the #Ukraine #Army & its #Infrastructure, that was #Constructed, #Armed & #Trained by the #NATO-allies in the 8 years since the #Maidan #Coup & #Start of the #Ukraine #Civil #War in 2014.
When the #Policy of #Fighting instead of #Diplomacy continues,
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
13 March 2022 #East Kazakhstan region, #Oskemen

#ZHENISULY Yerganat, born in 1997, was wounded in the eye during a peaceful protest in Oskemen in January 2022.

Yerganat was hospitalised in the city hospital No 4. However, police officers took Yerganat from the hospital and brought him to the pre-trial detention facility, where he was beaten and tortured despite being wounded!

To date, Yerganat is still in a pre-trial detention facility. According to his father #DAIDOLLA Zhenis, Yerganat complains of kidney pain and complete vision loss in the right eye!

Read 5 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
13 March 2022 #East Kazakhstan region, #Oskemen

#ZHENISULY Yerganat, born in 1997, was wounded in the eye during a peaceful protest in Oskemen in January 2022.

Yerganat was hospitalised in the city hospital No 4. However, police officers took Yerganat from the hospital and brought him to the pre-trial detention facility, where he was beaten and tortured despite being wounded!

To date, Yerganat is still in a pre-trial detention facility. According to his father #DAIDOLLA Zhenis, Yerganat complains of kidney pain and complete vision loss in the right eye!

#Magnitsky #NoToCorruption
#IACD2021 #Zhanaozen2022
Read 5 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
Wednesday's #Covid19 megathread makes an early start as there's so much news to bring you!

#Omicron takes centre stage in Europe with a raft of records (recap coming up), but #UK ministers are increasingly confident the NHS won't be swamped despite England's lack of restrictions
It turned out to be a terrible Tuesday, not just in #UK, which was just one of TEN European countries to hit all time high daily #Covid19 infection numbers.

#Cyprus #France #Greece #Iceland #Italy #Malta #Montenegro #Portugal and #Spain the others to set new records.
Concern in #Norway. The #Omicron wave looked to be beyond the peak; is it making a comeback or is it still delayed Christmas cases?
4,702 new #Covid19 infections, fewer than 100 down on last Weds.

Better health data. 315 in hospital, down 13 since y'day, although 120 are in ICU
Read 69 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
This is the start of the daily #Covid19 thread for Tuesday.

So despite big increases in cases and hospitalisations, no further restrictions for #England. How bad will the data be today? We'll find out later and I'll update and analyse all the data worldwide as often as possible:
Boris has urged you all to be cautious in the packed bars and nightclubs on New Year's Eve, so that's ok then!

First to South America where #Argentina has just topped 20,000 new #Covid19 cases in a day for the first time since July.

20,263 is the daily total, up 280% compared with the week before.
31 deaths.
Read 39 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
Monday's #Covid19 thread starts here. Still holidays around the world for many, including #UK. But here all eyes on Boris Johnson - will he, or won't he make more restrictions or even lockdown? We should know today.

I've got more hospital data in the thread, updated real time..
So let me start with #UK. I've managed to get new health data, which will be critical to the decision on new restrictions in #England

As of y'day there were 7,536 #Covid19 patients in English hospitals; up 17.1% in a week.

But 2,425 of those are in London and that's up 45.5%
Strangely, South-East & South-West areas of #England have fewer #Covid19 patients in hospital.

Occupied hospital beds by region (weekly change):

#London 2,425 +46%
#Midlands 1,345 +17%
#East 681 +16%
#NorthWest 945 +8%
#Yorkshire/NE 847 +3%
#SouthEast 803 -2%
#SouthWest 490 -5%
Read 66 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Mighty Sovereigns Of Ottoman Throne : Sultan Murad I

By Ekrem Buğra Ekinci

👆🏻 widely used illustration painted by court painter Konstantin Kapıdağlı in the early 19th century shows Sultan Murad I , the 3rd ruler of Ottoman beylik that turned into an empire .

👆🏻👉🏻📸 Credits : Büşra Öztürk - Daily Sabah
While his predecessor , Osman & Orhan ghazis , had gathered a nation & created a state , Sultan Murad I improved his lands , making a prosperous country from it for all citizens .
Read 99 tweets
Jul 12th 2021
Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) Kovil was built before 1100 years & architecture of the Kovil has its contribution from various KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Mandir
possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The mandir has more than 100 sannidhis. Various moorthies, bronze vigrahas, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the mandir. Mandir is very enormous with an area covers around 25 acres &
East Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Mandir also consists of Vallala Maharaja Gopuram, Kili (means parrot) Gopuram. The main deity of Mandir is Annamalaiyar & Unnamalai Devi.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
#Thread #Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) #Temple was built before 1100 years & #architecture of the temple has its contribution frm various #KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Temple
possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The temple has more than 100 sannidhis. Various moorthies, bronze statues, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the temple. Temple is very enormous with an area
@IndiaTales7 @desi_thug1
covers around 25 acres & East #Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Temple also consists of vallala Maharaja Gopuram, kili Gopuram. The main deity of Temple is @harshasherni @Itishree001 @pujari_anup
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Feb 24th 2021
Op het schiereiland Reykjanes wordt hard gewerkt aan de mid-oceanische rug. Dit soort aardbevingen gaan vaak gepaard met een magma-injectie in de korst, die ongeveer 10 km dik is onder dit deel van #IJsland (35 km onder Nederland. Soms leidt dat tot een spleetuitbarsting.
De aardbevingszwermen op het schiereiland Reykjanes, Z.W. #IJsland, blijven toenemen. Wie weet zit er wel een spleetuitbarsting in. ImageImageImage
Mooi om te zien hoe de aardbevingen schommelen rond de as van van het Krýsuvík systeem. Er wordt daar flink wat magma geïnjecteerd. ImageImage
Read 404 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
#Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) #Temple was built before 1100 years & #architecture of the temple has its contribution frm various #KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Temple
@sattology Image
2. possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The temple has more than 100 sannidhis. Various idols, bronze statues, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the temple. Temple is very enormous with an area
@IndiaTales7 @Maha_periyava_ Image
3.covers around 25 acres & East #Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Temple also consists of vallala Maharaja Gopuram, kili Gopuram. The main deity of Temple is @harshasherni @Itishree001 @pujari_anup Image
Read 13 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
1. #Marundeeswarar Temple, #Chennai
Marundu means #medicine ; Eswar is Bhagwan Shiv
Utchavar: Thyagarajar
Consort: TiripuraSundari
Sthal Vriksh: SHAMI TREE/VANNI Tree (#Prosopis #Spicigera)
Sthal Theerth: Pancha Theertha
Agamam: Kameekam
approx: 1500 years old
2. #Temple is dedicated to God Shiva, located in #Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams where the two of the most revered Nayanars (Saivite Sages), Appar & Tirugnana Sambandar have glorified the Temple with their verses during the 7th-8th century.
3. Temple has been widely expanded by Chola kings during the 11th century. The Temple has two seven tiered Gopuram, a huge pond. The Marundeeswarar Temple has been a place of curative #worship for people with #diseases. The Temple is believed to have partial feature of #Pallava
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Jul 19th 2020
Hajime Nakamura (1912-1999) was an eminent Indologist and specialist of #Vedanta and #BuddhistPhilosophy at #TokyoUniversity 1/ ImageImage
His early work was on the #Vedanta and remains important work 2/ ImageImage
His studies on #Buddhism were equally valuable 3/ ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
As the old miner said to his donkey:" All the world's crazy except me and thee and sometimes I wonder even about thee"
Read 57 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
1. @eLVeektor – Igbo Landing
(Nsukka – Enugu State)

He teams up with Igbo Rap veteran And signature Head honcho Bosalin on this incredibly significant track called “Igbo Landing” off his new EP.

Elveektor is a force. Get familiar. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
2. @olaedoparagon - Ndeeri
(Enugu State)

She is A Nigerian Indigenous femcee. She has constantly churned out dope HipHop records and her lyrical prowess earned her some new heights in 2018 as she won Zoros “mbada challenge”. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
3. @iAmKlarge - Gbado anya
(Abia State)

K Large Beh beh! (As he usually chants on his records) is known for his ferocious, fast paced Rap style similar to that of the legendary Busta Rhymes. Image
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Feb 11th 2020
The Ontario Métis- characteristics and identity-by Evelyn Peters, Mark Rosenberg, & Greg Halseth 1991 -…
The Ontario Métis- characteristics and identity-by Evelyn Peters, Mark Rosenberg, & Greg Halseth 1991 - NCC has rejected MNC's definition of Metis. #Metis #EasternMetis
Behind the Scene of the Send First Ministers Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Affairs-05190.vol15-3 Mar 1984 NewBreed- MNC trying to convince NCC on Metis Definition.
Read 48 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
The Ultimate Applied Behavioural Science Graduate Programme

If I had ALL the resources in the world (+ social capital, logistics skills, etc) this is the programme team I’d put together.

(Mostly joking/a bit deludedly optimistic that something like this could happen)

Thread :
Okay. First of all, who is going to facilitate? Easy.

I’d grab @IrrationalLabs
I’ve seen the @bermster @evelyngosnell and @RichardMathera in action. They’re absolute rock stars.

I’d also add @Nudgeathon creator @umar_taj and @dilipsoman for when we scale this thing digitally😎
Right. Guest speakers. The ultimate programme needs interesting, accessible and articulate guest speakers. Fortunately the field has plenty of these.

I’d rope in @danariely @rorysutherland , @katy_milkman , @jeffkreisler , @m_sendhil , @AnnieDuke and #DavidHalpern.

Read 11 tweets

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