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Sep 2nd 2022
Thread on the progression of meta(s) by @frankdegods
who dropped some major news on the t00bs🧪 & my thoughts on @y00tsNFT CC0 ⓨ

As an @ethereum & @nounsdao support/native accepted to @y00tlist 16 days ago.

Thread with everything ETH/SOL/VC friends need to know 🧵👇

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Tokenomics Theory🔥: @frankdegods to confirm.

I first noticed #frank when listening to Nouns spaces w/ speakers like @0xigami @punk4156 @apenoun in May.

My thought was that he was learning from CC0 & I believe we are seeing some of those ideologies manifest in @y00tsNFT.

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The #y00ts collection is taking a unique approach to the rights & permissions.

Most projects on @solana hold secure IP rights to the collections. The alternative is #CCO or creative commons, which allows holders the IP rights to their NFT - @frankdegods understands this.

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Read 10 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
The Psychology of Human Misjudgement - Charlie Munger Full Speech via @YouTube
well, if one can get around the accounting and auditing systems, you can commit fraud on a massive scale.
That is what rogue traders do!
But, financial institutions have invested big time in hiring quants who can write codes and Greek symbols which board members don't comprehend
It's brilliant if your standard fraud risk assessor aka auditor and the quantitative risk manager can use the #Benford #Law to identify, proactively measure and control fraud risk-related predicate financial crimes.
But, first, do the basic work, before leapfrogging.
Read 22 tweets

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