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Apr 11th 2022
Gavekal's bottom-up analysis of China’s top 100 cities by GDP finds that all but 13 have imposed some form of quarantine restriction, and the intensity is increasing. We classified these cities from no restrictions (level 0) to full lockdown (level 4).
Shanghai and Jilin remain the worst-hit areas. In other places, lockdown measures no longer correlate well with actual case numbers, as cautious local officials impose more severe measures sooner (or keep them in place longer).
Early economic indicators for March show the impact of lockdowns in Shenzhen and other cities that preceded Shanghai’s. There is already significant disruption to the economy. Read more here:… #chartoftheweek #covid #china #economy #lockdown
Read 3 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
𝗛𝗒π—ͺ 𝗧𝗒 π—¦π—˜π—Ÿπ—˜π—–π—§ π—¦π—§π—’π—–π—žπ—¦ 𝗙𝗒π—₯ 𝗦π—ͺπ—œπ—‘π—š 𝗧π—₯π—”π——π—œπ—‘π—š

𝐀 π“π‘π«πžπšπ 🧡

α΄˜ΚŸα΄‡α΄€κœ±α΄‡ ʟΙͺᴋᴇ & ʀᴇᴛᴑᴇᴇᴛ Ιͺꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰΙͺΙ΄α΄… α΄›ΚœΙͺꜱ α΄œκœ±α΄‡κœ°α΄œΚŸ


Κα΄α΄œΚ€ α΄ Ιͺα΄‡α΄‘κœ± ᴀʀᴇ α΄‘α΄‡ΚŸα΄„α΄α΄α΄‡
π’π­πžπ© 1⃣: κœ±α΄‡α΄„α΄›α΄Κ€ α΄€Ι΄α΄€ΚŸΚκœ±Ιͺꜱ

(A)Identify sectors that are in an established uptrend.

(B)Did the specific sector give a pullback? If yes, has it given any confirmation?

Example: α΄„Ι΄x α΄α΄‡α΄›α΄€ΚŸ
(A) Nifty Metal is in an established uptrend for some time now.
(B) The sector had then pulled back and was in a range.
(C) Nifty Metal has formed a cup & handle pattern and broke out of a CTL on 11th June, which confirms the continuation of uptrend.
Read 12 tweets

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