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May 29th 2022
Davutoğlu ve Babacan Gezi Davası’ndan şikayetlerini çekiyor.
Kaldırılıp mı şikayetçi olmuşlardı?
Dün dündür diyen bu siyasi kimliklere güven duymak ne mümkün...
Yarınlarda da altılı mutabakat içindeki hangi görüşleri değişecek...
#Gezi #Davutoğlu #Babacan…
İlginç bir sessizlik...
Ya bu görüşe katılmama,
Ya altılı ittifaka ne olur ne olmaz diye asla zarar vermeme,
Ya da altılı ittifak listelerinde yer alabilme hali mi diyelim...
Aynı durum, Davutoğlu ve Babacan ile sınırlı değil ki...
Siyasal kazanım için her şeyin yapıldığını unutmayalım.
(Kuşkusuz bir hukuksuzluk yaşandığında elbette her türlü hukuksuzluğa hayır)

Demirtaş: 'Gezi ile aramıza mesafe koyduk'
Read 5 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
🇹🇷The Soft Power of Turkish Intelligence.
——————————————The Turkish TV production hasn’t been affected much by the pandemic, as #Turkey still produces series, & it takes an additional step towards embodying reality through the series Tashkeelat, which began March 7th. 1/15
Turkish series enjoys widespread interest in #Turkey as well as in all of the countries of the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans, where they enjoy high-quality accuracy and craftsmanship, as well as financial generosity for production and a high viewership. 2/15
What is new in the series #Tashkeelat is its touching on a very sensitive topic; the Turkish #intelligence activities, & its embodiment of real events that occurred, also broadcasting scenes that actually occurred during the security & military ops in Turkey & its vicinity. 3/15
Read 15 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
ITULAH BERPARTAI. #Konflik internal di #Partai Demokrat yang berujung pada Kongres Luar Biasa, membuat kita ingin membahas #sengketa yang terjadi di banyak partai di #dunia. #Mahathir dan #Erdogan yang dikenal kuat, juga pernah merasakan loh! Kita bahas👇

#Demokrat #KLB #Sumut
#Partai #politik, merupakan suatu entitas yang di dalamnya juga memiliki banyak kubu yang berlainan kepentingan. Oleh karena itu, #dinamika internal #partai yang terjadi, jika salah dikelola bisa berujung pada #sengketa kepemimpinan yang memecahkan.

Demokrat #KLB #Demokrat #Hill
Sebagai contoh pada tahun 1987. Mahathir Mohamad yang saat itu adalah Perdana Menteri sekaligus #Presiden Partai #UMNO, menghadapi tantangan #konflik internal. #Mahathir, harus menghadapi kumpulan yang men-#challenge kepemimpinannya.

Demokrat #Demokrat #KLB #Sumut #Medan #Deli
Read 10 tweets

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