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Feb 7th 2023
EIA came out with their Short Term Energy Outlook
- These are the largest revisions in key data points impacting oil markets today. Although many of the adjustments are small, it shows the directional bias the EIA sees with its forecast models - a thread
#oott #oilandgas #WTI Image
With China showing more signs of opening, oil demand was revised up 1% (160 mb/d). Is there more oil demand revisions to come? Possibly. Expected crude demand in 2023 is still only up 5% to 15.8 mln b/d (from 14.4 mln b/d in 2020) #oott Image
U.S. oil production in 2024 was lowered 1.4% (150 mb/d) - with much of this oil supply decline near the back-end of the year. As earning season progresses (and capex budgets are revised), we may see more estimate revisions to come #crude #permian #eagleford #midland #bakken Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
Comments by Paal Kibsgaard, Schlumberger Chairman & CEO
1- "Still, the well-established market consensus that the #Permian can continue to provide 1.5 million barrels per day of annual production growth for the foreseeable future is now starting to be called into question"
2- "In fact, so far in the third quarter, the hydraulic fracturing market has already softened significantly more than we expected in spite of the overall rig count holding up relatively well."
3- "Still, what is already clear is that unit well performance, normalized for lateral length and pounds of proppant pumped, is dropping in the Eagle Ford as the percentage of child wells continues to increase."

#Oil #Permian #EagleFord #shale
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