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Jun 15th 2022
📣 NEW SERIES!!! 📣 Introducing Ink-U-bus! Series ft. renowned tattoo artists playing travelling tattooers in the campaign world of #eberron! Follow for Updates!

Coming fall to

#Dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dandd #ttrpg #inkmaster #dndtattoos
Our Dungeon Master will be none other than the awesomely talented @nerdytattooer Chad Rowe!
The shop-hand with an edge, Dara Darksbane, (Half-Elf, Paladin) will be played by the incredible Kassidy Norman!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
I started a new #DnD campaign in #Eberron. It's interesting to see how players come up with characters.
One guy only decided to join the campaign a couple of days before but he was familiar with the setting and made a Dragonmark Heir. He really wanted to play an Artificer so he made one at the table.
Another guy was in from the get-go but wasn't familiar with the setting at all. He had his heart set on playing a druid so he made a half orc druid. He saw that he could be a Gatekeeper. Perfect!
Read 11 tweets

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