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1/ True dominion comes by rising oneself to that which is superior to that which one wishes to dominate: one cannot have it by remaining on the same level. A hand as a hand cannot claim to have the power to dominate the other organs of the body.
2/ It can do so only by ceasing to be a hand, making itself into soul—that is by elevating itself to the unitary and immaterial function which is called to unify and to rule the various particularistic corporeal functions.
3/ The hypothetical attempt of a hand which wishes to master the body by usurping the functions proper to the soul might clarify the spirit of certain imperialistic ideologies of the nationalistic, materialistic and militaristic kind.
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Our tradition has celebrated the ‘heroes’, has celebrated the dominators, has celebrated the human-gods.
And while, in contrast to certain Semitic and Asiatic conceptions, it has never detached the spiritual from this terrene world, it has nonetheless in an unequivocal way affirmed the sovereign right of quality, of the idea and of wisdom over everything practical and conditioned:
that these must dominate through the act of complete persons in the same way that meaning dominates the word, and the soul the body. #Evola.
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Ein genialisches Buch, ein großer Wurf, ein bedeutendes Werk von gerade einmal 88 Seiten - so selbstbewußt auftretend, daß diese Seitenzahl es völlig gleichmütig lassen kann :) -
DAS NEUE VOLK von Simon Kießling, erschienen bei #Antaios als #Kaplaken 83. Eine Rezension als 🧵
Ist der Verfall noch aufzuhalten? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, der allgegenwärtigen Auflösung aller Dinge entgegenzutreten? Erfaßt die polit. Rechte die ihr gestellte Aufgabe richtig, wenn sie sich als #Katechon begreift? Oder verfehlt sie damit gerade ihre historische Mission? 2/15
Diese Fragen sind es, denen Kießling sich in diesem äußerlich schmalen, aber innerlich mächtigen Buch stellt. Und er beantwortet sie auch mit großer Klarheit und Überzeugungskraft: dreimal „nein“.
Doch dabei beläßt er es nicht, er weist auch einen Ausweg. 3/15
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#Tolkien ist ein Lieblingsautor der extremen Rechten aller Spielarten. Die wohl durchgeballertste Adaption bisher kommt aus der Zeitung „Aufgewacht“ der #FreieSachsen: Tolkien als Prophet, der u.a. das Ende des „Tiefen Staates“ voraussagt. Ein unvollständiger 🧵zur Einordnung.
Der Autor Ludwig D. #Gartz, ein #Homöopath und Anhänger der #Freiwirtschaftslehre, sieht Tolkien als Propheten im Kampf gegen die „Hochfinanz“, die wiederum den „Tiefen Staat“ lenkt. Der „Herr der Ringe“ mache Voraussagen für Gegenwart und Zukunft.
Das Ende der Hochfinanz vollziehe sich in fünf Schritten. Wir befinden uns zwischen der zweiten und der dritten Phase, die gleichzeitig die gefährlichste sei.
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It is as woman—and not as man—that woman realises herself, elevates herself to the same level as man as Ascetic and as Warrior insofar as she is ‘Lover’ or ‘Mother’. To us, the lineage of every value is one and the same: heroism, the overcoming of oneself.
But there is an active heroism and a negative heroism:
there is the heroism of absolute affirmation & there is the heroism of absolute obedience—there is the heroism of absolute affirmation & there is the heroism of absolute dedication, which each stand in an identical light & at an identical level of greatness. #Evola
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The truth is rather that at the bottom of feminism there hides a ‘radical pessimism’: that is, the tacit premise that woman ‘as woman’ cannot find value in herself, for which she must, insofar as she can, make herself into a man, claim the same social
and intellectual prerogatives of man. In this sense, we call it pessimism: the presumed feminist ‘vindication’ of woman conceals an abdication of modern woman, her impotence, or her mistrust, at being and at having value as that which she is: as woman, and not as man.
It conceals in short a degeneration, in the most rigorous sense of the term.#Evola
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1/ The modern world has by and large traveled the . . . path of the systematic neglect of one’s own nature, the path of individualism, of restlessness and social climbing. Here, the ideal is no longer to be what one is, but to “construct” oneself,
2/ to involve oneself in all kinds of activities, randomly, or for completely utilitarian reasons; no longer to actuate one’s own being with serious consistency, loyalty and purity, but to use all of one’s strength to become what one is not.
3/ While individualism—the atomized, nameless, raceless, and traditionless man—is the foundation of this way of looking at things, its logical consequence has been the demand for equality, i.e., the claiming of the right to be able to be, in principle,
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1/ In a different field, another manifestation of the taste for vulgarity is the fashion of “screaming” singers, unfortunately widespread in Italy. The tendency is the same. One takes pleasure in descending to the level of the street, of the marketplace:
2/ the primitivism of the vulgar voice, at best an almost animal instinctiveness in expression and emotion. Another aspect of the same phenomenon are the ecstasies that white men and women for some time now have been sent into by the raucous and graceless singing of the Negro,
3/ which almost seems to take pleasure in its own vileness. At the time of this writing, a particular instance of vulgar singing were the Beatles, who aroused delirious enthusiasm among the youth. Apart from their hairstyles, which are of the kind indicated above,
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The, perhaps, strangest thing about the #DuginPhenomenon is not something connected to #Dugin himself. It is the high attention he gets not only within the #RussianFederation, but also outside #Russia - including the West. /1
@FFRAFAction @NewFascSyllabus
Read most of #Dugin's texts published until 2007 (when submitting a dissertation on him at @Cambridge_Uni). Cannot remember anything intellectually stimulating, in his many books and articles - unlike in the often interesting investigations of the interwar #Eurasianists. /2
#Dugin often makes pointedly pompous statements that are either trivialities or absurdities, or a mixture of both. When he discusses an interesting theory, it is not his own. He reads & writes a lot, but it is unclear why he does. /3
@FascismJournal @HNationalism @russia_matters
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1/ Class has nothing to do with caste, it has no organic and traditional basis, but is instead an artificial social grouping, determined by extrinsic factors which are almost always of a materialistic nature. Class almost always arises on an individualistic basis, in the sense
2/ that it is the “place” that brings together all those who, through their enterprise, have climbed to the same social position, in complete independence of what they by nature truly are. These artificial groupings then tend to crystallize, thereby generating the tensions known
3/ to all. In fact, the disintegration characteristic of this type of “civilization” accomplishes the degradation of the “arts” to mere “work,” the transformation of the of the old artificer or artisan into the proletarianized “worker,” whose activity is reduced to being only
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Today, more than ever, one must understand that social problems, in their essence, are rooted in problems of ethics and world-view. Anyone who thinks that social problems can be solved through purely technical means, is like a doctor who only wants to treat the patent symptoms
of a disease, rather than examining and treating its deep causes. The greater part of the crises, disorders, and unresolved tensions that characterize modern Western society depend not simply on material factors,
but, to at least an equal degree, on the surreptitious substitution of one world-view by another. This new attitude towards oneself and towards one’s own destiny has been celebrated as a triumph, when in fact it represents a deviation and a degeneration. #Evola
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1/ The Awakened One is he who is detached from life and death and who knows the way up and the way down, he is “bold, not knowing hesitation, a sure leader, pure of passion, resplendent as the light of the sun, resplendent without arrogance, heroic”;
2/ he is the Knower “whom no mania dazzles, no trouble conquers, no victory tempts, no spot stains”; he's one “who asks no more, & who, as a man, has mastered the ascetic art”: he is the “great being, who lives strenuously, free from every bond, no longer slave to any servitude”;
3/ he is “the Valiant One, who watches over himself, constant in his step, ready to the call, who guards himself within and without, to nothing inclined, from nothing disinclined,
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1/ The men of the new arrangement will still be anti-bourgeois, but by way of the aforesaid higher heroic and aristocratic conception of existence; they will be anti-bourgeois because they disdain the comfortable life;
2/ anti-bourgeois because they will follow not those who promise material advantages, but those who demand everything from themselves; anti-bourgeois, finally, because they are not preoccupied with security but love the essential union between life and risk, on all planes,
3/ making the inexorability of the bare idea and precise action his own. Yet another aspect, through which the new man, cellular substance for the motion of awakening, will be anti-bourgeois and will differentiate himself from the preceding generation,
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1/ The main characteristic of “intelligent stupidity” is the absence of principles, of interests in higher matters, and of genuine commitment, while its supreme concern is to be “brilliant” and “original,” attaching great importance to slick and professional “good writing,”
2/ to everything that is form and not substance, to esprit in the frivolous and urbane French sense. For the representatives of this “intelligentsia,” the brilliant sentence, the dialectical and polemical statement, have much more value than truth. Ideas,
3/ when these people make use of them, are only a pretext; the important thing is to be brilliant, to appear to be extremely intelligent—in the same way that for the politician today, the party ideology is merely a means of building a career.
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The only thing that matters today is the activity of those who can "ride the wave" and remain firm in their principles, unmoved by any concessions and indifferent to the fevers, the convulsions, the superstitions, and the prostitutions that characterize modern generations.
The only thing that matters is the silent endurance of a few, whose impassible presence as "stone guests" helps to create new relationships, new distances, new values, and helps to construct a pole that, although it will certainly not prevent this world
inhabited by the distracted and restless from being what it is, will still help to transmit to someone the sensation of the truth—a sensation that could become for them the principle of a liberating crisis. #Evola
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Hierarchy degenerates and is able to be overthrown in one case only: when the individual degenerates, when he uses his fundamental freedom to deny the Spirit, to cut his life loose from any higher reference-point, and to exist “only for himself.”
Then the contacts are fatefully broken, the metaphysical tension, to which the traditional organism owes its unity, gives way, every force wavers in its path and finally breaks free. The peaks, of course, remain pure and inviolable in their heights, but the rest,
which depended on them, now becomes an avalanche, a mass that has lost its equilibrium and falls, at first imperceptibly but with ever accelerating movement down to the depths and lowest levels of the valley. This is the secret of every degeneration and revolution. #Evola
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1/ After centuries of "slavery" women wanted to be themselves and to do whatever they pleased. But so-called feminism has not been able to devise a personality for women other than by imitating the male personality, so that the woman's "claims" conceal a fundamental lack of trust
2/ in herself as well as her inability to be and to function as a real woman and not as a man. Due to such a misunderstanding, the modern woman has considered her traditional role to be demeaning and has taken offense at being treated "only as a woman."
3/ This was the beginning of a wrong vocation; because of this she wanted to take her revenge, reclaim her "dignity," prove her "true value" and compete with men in a man's world.
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1/ The modern world that's taking shape doesn't know Prometheus unbound in a positive sense, which's to say the Prometheus who's been unbound by Heracles (he who in Antiquity embodied man, the hero, who has made the other choice, that of allying himself with the Olympian powers).
2/ The modern world only knows the Prometheus who has been unchained & allowed to go his own way, to bask in his misery & in the tragedy of a merely human existence—or, rather, an existence regarded from a merely human perspective.
3/ Ultimately, having lost the taste for this kind of self-sadism of ‘tragic greatness’, he plunges into the dull existence of Epimethean humanity. The latter, while surrounded by the splendid, titanic spectacle of the latest human achievements, only knows the kind of disciplines
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When a cycle of civilisation is reaching its end, it is difficult to achieve anything by resisting it and by directly opposing the forces in motion. The current is too strong; one would be overwhelmed. The essential thing is to not let oneself be impressed by the omnipotence
and apparent triumph of the forces of the epoch. These forces, devoid of connection with any higher principle, are in fact on a short chain. One should not become fixated on the present, and on things at hand, but keep in view the conditions that may come about in the future.
Thus the principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when the tiger, which cannot leap of the person riding it, is tired of running. #Evola
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1/ Just as there is a physical and biological heredity, there is also a psychic and spiritual one, which in traditional societies justified the principle of exclusion and caste that seems so intolerable to the demagogy and individualism of our day.
2/ Just as an animal does not become domesticated at a stroke, thus aristocratic tradition only won its effective and objective value through the slow and steady acquisition, conservation, and preservation of subtle dispositions on the basis of an influence from above,
3/ passed down from one generation to another. Hence bearing an illustrious name and its heraldic arms also meant possessing, as a psychophysical and subtle preformation, the virtual heredity of special forms of interest, sensibility, and instinct.
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1/ For thousands of years racism has been active in the gentile nobility of every people, and even in its highest form, insofar as it has maintained its adherence to the idea of tradition and avoided materializing in the form of a kind of zoology.
2/ Before the concept of race was generalized, as it has been in current times, having race was always synonymous with aristocracy. The qualities of race always signified the qualities of the elite, and referred not to gifts of genius, of culture or of intellect,
3/ but essentially to character and to style of life. They stood in opposition to the quality of the common man because they appeared, to a large degree, innate: either one has the qualities of race or one does not have them. They cannot be created, built, improvised or learned.
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1/ Instead of the traditional unification through particular bodies, orders, functional castes or classes, guilds—frameworks to which the individual felt an attachment, based on a supra-individual principle that informed his entire life, giving it a specific meaning & orientation
2/ —today’s associations are determined only by the material interests of individuals, united only on this basis, such as trade unions, professional organisations, parties. The formless state of the people, turned into mere masses, ensures that any possible order will necessarily
3/ have a centralistic and coercive character. The inevitable, centralising, overgrown structures of modern states, which increase their interventions and restrictions even when “democratic freedoms” are proclaimed,
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1/ Totalitarianism merely represents the counterfeited image of the organic ideal. It is a system in which unity is imposed from the outside, not on the basis of the intrinsic force of a common idea and an authority that is naturally acknowledged, but rather through direct forms
2/ of intervention and control, exercised by a power that is exclusively and materially political, imposing itself as the ultimate reason for the system. Moreover, in totalitarianism we usually find a tendency toward uniformity and intolerance for any partial form of autonomy
3/ and any degree of freedom, for any intermediate body between the center & the periphery, between the peak & the bottom of the social pyramid. More specifically, totalitarianism engenders a kind of sclerosis, or a monstrous hypertrophy of the entire bureaucratic-administrative
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1/ Such hierarchy may decay and be ruined only in one case: when the individual decays, when he uses his fundamental liberty to say no to the spirit, to deprive his life of any higher point of reference and set himself up as a stump. Contacts are then fatally interrupted,
2/ the metaphysical tension which united the traditional organism and made of the political process the counterpart of a process of elevation and of integration of the individual loosens, any force becomes unsteady in its orbit, and, finally, after the vain attempt to substitute
3/ the lost tradition for rationalist interpretations and utilitarian processes, frees itself from it: the heights remain pure and intact, but the rest, which was beforehand as it were suspended from them,
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