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Aug 11th 2020
2019 study in the AMA journal reports that reducing access to rx #opioids has "failed" to reduce overdoses.

OD crisis is projected to become "substantially worse" if public policy continues to wrongly target medical use. (thread)…
Chen et al (JAMA 2019): Analyses of programs designed to reduce overdoses by reducing the medical use of #opioids "have failed to demonstrate a consistent benefit on fatal or nonfatal opioid overdoses."… Image
JAMA> #OD rates are projected to soar 149% above 2015's crisis levels by 2025. Overdose deaths from 2016-25 could reach as high as 1.21 million if the crisis doesn't soon stabilize.

🟡 Continuing prescription restrictions will have a "modest effect, at best" on reducing ODs. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
Do you live in #Hackney E8 and have a fruit tree in your garden that you can't harvest, or can't use all the fruit from? #EastEndJam is expanding its physically distant foraging work to include home grown as well 🙂. Thread 1/ Red cherry plums
Basically we forage, prepare & preserve fruit, making jams, jellies & chutneys that are shared with the people who've worked on them, with excess distributed through local food banks. So far this summer we've made cherry & elderflower jam from Hackney marshes & London Fields 2/ Mahonia berries in a bag
We've made Mahonia jelly from berries picked on the @WETRAE8 estate & Blackstone Estate. You don't have to have a garden to get involved. If you'd like to learn about edible plants, fruits and berries get in touch. We share identification guides & location tips to help you 3/ A pan of dark purple Mahoni...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
New paper with @piersforster now out in @NatureClimate - Energy budget constraints on historical radiative forcing…

Provides a top down energy budget constraint on historical radiative forcing of 2.3 (1.7 to 3.0) [5-95%] Wm-2. Thread: [1/n]
Radiative forcing is a fundamental quantity for understanding the drivers of climate change, yet significant uncertainty remains in our quantification & model representation of it. For example see any paper that includes @gunnarmy including this epic… [2/n]
What we do is combine measurements of historical temperature change dT & Earths heat uptake dN alongside model reconstructions of Earth’s radiative response Y. Constrains historical forcing F via energy budget eqn F=dN+YdT. Like Otto etal… in reverse [3/n]
Read 15 tweets
Apr 5th 2018
#இயற்கை_365 #95

விருந்து மணக்க, ஒரே ஒரு ஜாதிக்காய் போதும் எனப்படும் ஜாதிக்காயின் தாவரப்பெயர் Myrsitica fragrans.
தோன்றிய இடம்: பாண்டா தீவு.
"காரணமில்லாம குழந்தை அழுதா, ஜாதிக்காய் அரைச்சு ஊத்து. அழுகை சுத்தமா நின்னு, தூங்கிடும்"
என்ற கிராமப்புற குரல்களுடன் ஒரு பதிவாக,
Nutmeg என அழைக்கப்படும்
ஜாதிக்காய்க்கு குலக்காய், அட்டம், அட்டிகம் என்கின்ற வேறு தமிழ்ப்பெயர்களும் உண்டு..
Read 23 tweets

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