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„ Es war der Gulag!“ - eine friedliche Bewohnerin von Energodar Elena Yagupova, etwa 5 Monate Gefangenschaft. Nachbarn zeigten sie beim FSB an, weil der Mann ein ukrainischer Soldat sei – The Guardian.

• Sie wurde von der Besatzungspolizei unter dem Vorwurf des Terrorismus Image
festgenommen: Sie verhörten sie mehrere Tage lang, banden ihr einen Draht um den Hals und hielten ihr eine Waffe an den Kopf. Geschlagen und gefoltert. Anschließend wurde die Frau dem russischen Militär übergeben. Sie zwangen sie, gefälschte Interviews für
die Propagandamedien zu geben, drohten ihnen mit Mord und gruben in Saporoschje von morgens bis abends in der Kälte Schützengräben. Sie wurden wie Sklaven behandelt. „Sie haben es genossen, uns zu schikanieren“, sagt eine Frau, der es auf wundersame Weise gelang, zu
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Der Präsident Kasachstans forderte, die Geschichte der UdSSR aus dem Land zu verbannen

Die kasachischen Behörden sollten aufhören, die Namen von Persönlichkeiten der Sowjetunion zur Benennung von Objekten zu verwenden und eine Liste ihrer eigenen „herausragenden Image
Persönlichkeiten“ erstellen, sagte Präsident Kassym-Schomart Tokajew. „Es ist notwendig, mit der Praxis aufzuhören, verschiedene Objekte von Persönlichkeiten der Sowjetzeit zu benennen, deren Biografien absichtlich im Interesse persönlicher Interessen und Vorlieben einer Person
mythologisiert werden“, betonte er.

Tokajew bezeichnete die Onomastik, einen Zweig der Linguistik, der Eigennamen untersucht, als „das wichtigste ideologische Instrument, das für die Stärkung des historischen Selbstbewusstseins“ der Bürger des Landes von großer Bedeutung ist.
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„Wir hätten schon damals etwas über die Russen verstehen müssen.“ Deutschland erinnert sich an die Ereignisse vom 17. Juni 1953

Vor 70 Jahren gingen in der DDR mehr als 1 Million Menschen gegen die sozialistische Diktatur auf die StraĂźe. Die Demonstrationen wurden von den ImageImageImage
sowjetischen Truppen brutal niedergeschlagen. In einem Artikel für BILD geht der deutsche Historiker Hubertus Knabe auf die Bedeutung des heutigen Jubiläums ein .

„Haben wir aus dieser Geschichte gelernt? Das ist zweifelhaft. Das brutale Vorgehen des Kremls gegen die
damaligen Proteste in der DDR geriet bald in Vergessenheit. Nicht nur kommunistische Propagandisten, sondern auch westdeutsche Politiker und Medien verbreiteten das Narrativ von der UdSSR als Befreier. Doch nach seinem Sieg ĂĽber Nazi-Deutschland
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🤡 Stimmen aus dem Irrenhaus: Die Staatsduma verlangt von russischen Wissenschaftlern die Herstellung biologischer Waffen gegen die Angelsachsen

Generalleutnant Andrey Gurulev, Mitglied des Verteidigungsausschusses der Staatsduma, ist sich sicher, dass Image
Russland keine andere Wahl hat, als biologische Waffen zu entwickeln, die nur die „Angelsachsen“ treffen werden.

Er erklärte, dass „die Geduld des russischen Volkes erschöpft ist“.

„Da sich eine solche Situation entwickelt hat, müssen wir uns selbst, unsere Wissenschaftler,
zusammensetzen und die gleiche Waffe gegen die Angelsachsen entwickeln. Sie untersuchen speziell den Genpool jedes Volkes und versuchen, die Waffe herzustellen, die dieses Volk für den Genpool zerstören wird. Wir müssen uns mit den Angelsachsen auseinandersetzen –
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The war will end with the liberation of Crimea

Crimea... I have no doubt that this war will end with its liberation from the invaders and the restoration of the state borders of Ukraine.

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And this is not about beautiful words and rosy hopes, but sober calculations.
Not only Ukraine.

We need to go through the path of talking about the likelihood of agreements with Russia again and again with only one goal - to prove again and again that this is impossible.
Prove not to our partners. They got it all figured out this year.

To prove to the leaders of countries that still see the insidious West and even more insidious China, and do not want to choose

No matter how hard we try to convince ourselves of the opposite, unfortunately, -
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How Ukrainians erased the memory?

( a long thread obout Ukraine history with the occupires Russia , I will do the thread with pauses )
For centuries, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union erased the memory of Ukrainians and other enslaved peoples about their nations, about historical processes, cultural values, and scientific achievements -
with the help of censorship, propaganda and information blockade. Along with this, the physical destruction of the Ukrainian people took place: deportations, famines, repressions and wars.
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đź’” A year ago, the hearts of Ukrainians sank with pain at the sight of this photo

The photo shows the grave of the Sukhenko family, brutally murdered by Russian invaders during the occupation of the Kiev region.

On March 23, the Rashists took the head of the Motyzhinsky -
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village council, Olga Sukhenko, her husband Igor, and son Alexander, from their home. On April 3, after the flight of Russian troops from the Kyiv region, the whole family was found in a mass grave in the forest outside the village. Torture was applied to the dead -
the limbs were broken, the nails were torn out, the skulls were pierced.

They buried Sukhenko and another man right next to the dugout dug in the forest by the Russians. In it, the invaders staged a torture chamber.
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One of the guests of the creative evening of Vladlen Tatarsky grabbed Daria Trepova by the hand, but she managed to escape.

At first, they refused to let the girl in with a statuette. Then, according to eyewitnesses, she began a dialogue with Tatarsky himself.
Judging by his reaction, the military commissar was familiar with Trepova, but he called her Nastya. He himself asked to bring the figurine to him.
The gift was opened, unpacked, Tatarsky turned it over in his hands. At this moment, Trepova was clearly nervous. Vladlen invited her to sit next to him, but the girl refused and preferred to sit further away - she said that she would sit on the “royal throne” from behind.
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Hunters for Putin: who should the Russian president now be afraid of

After the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, experts began to argue how dangerous this is for the Russian president.
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At the same time, the question arose of who would be responsible for gathering the evidence needed to bring Putin to justice. BILD calls these names.
▫️ Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andrey Kostin. He is considered a staunch supporter of a special tribunal for Russian war criminals - from Vladimir Putin and below. Kostin proposes to conduct a trial by analogy with the Nuremberg trial, at which the Nazi leaders were tried.
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Xi Jinping is walking the diplomatic tightrope to Moscow - seeking to portray China as a global peacemaker while strengthening ties with his closest ally, Putin, who faces criminal charges over his war in Ukraine, Reuters writes…
Leaving Monday on his first trip abroad since being elected to a third term, Xi will seek to polish Beijing's diplomatic clout after brokering a surprise détente between Saudi Arabia and Iran last week.
But Putin, even as he strengthens his “borderless” partnership with China, is becoming increasingly isolated.
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Visa Mizaev, the husband of businesswoman Olga Belyavtseva, who is on the list of Russia's richest women, has been linked to one of the biggest spy scandals in Europe in recent decades.
Mizaev may have been a link between the FSB and businessman Arthur Eller, who recruited German intelligence officer Carsten Linke.
Linke, who led the unit that is responsible for the internal security of the BND, was arrested in December 2022.
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💥🚀 🔥 A record-breaking drone attack showed that Ukraine has launched a mass production of UAVs. Attacks on Russian rear will intensify , military expert warns.

“A certain number (drones) were produced, and from the 24th, just on the anniversary (of the invasion), -
-their mass use began,” Ukrainian military expert Roman Svitan commented on the largest drone raid on the territory of the Russian Federation in an interview with We Can Explain. New Ukrainian drones are very cheap, the current production capacity allows the Armed Forces of-
Ukraine to launch up to 10 vehicles per day .

According to Svitan, the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of drones have already destroyed several objects of electronic intelligence of the Russian troops, damaged combat aircraft and communication towers. /3
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“We were thrown into a real massacre!” 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣

The mobilized from Serpukhov recorded a video message in which they told how the commanders, without the support of equipment, sent them on a deliberately failed assault.
“We were thrown to storm the concrete fortified area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having small arms and shovels with us. This has become a massacre for us! We suffered losses in killed and wounded,” they said.
Reports that a nightmare and a meat grinder are going on at the fronts have recently come literally from all sides. Putin's generals, who have lost most of their equipment, are now compensating for their failures by mass extermination of their own infantry. [Wind Sower]
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Residents of Ufa, who have been living without hot water and gas for more than two months, brought dirty things and pots to the administration building
In November, residents of a dozen houses in Ufa were turned off the gas due to the emergency state of chimneys and ventilation/1
The mayor's office states that the repair of chimneys is not included in the list of major repairs and that residents who regularly pay for communal services even after turning off water and gas are invited to make repairs at their own expense.
At the same time, heating tariffs in Ufa are among the highest in the country, at the level of Moscow.

Local commentators believe that the mayor's office is in no hurry to repair ventilation, as it plans to recognize the houses as emergency, demolish and build /3
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The myth of the "Russian Donbass"

The Russian way of state system has always provided for active colonization and the creation of propaganda clichés. The most successful of them managed to sideline history and replace it with pro-government narratives. /1 Image
The results of such historical fiction are now being used by the Russian authoritarian regime to justify its military aggression and zombification of its citizens, playing both on Soviet nostalgia and created by means of imperial, Soviet and Russian propaganda. /2
Among these myths, the myth of the “originally Russian Donbass” is one of the most successful, and therefore one of the most harmful. In fact, it was a complex construction, including historical, economic and social elements. [Res Publica]

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“I am ashamed that once, while living in the countryside, I sincerely considered Putin to be great. But then I received one after another confirmation that something was wrong and we were going in the wrong direction. Am I to blame? Yes.
I am supported when I was 20 years old, now I'm 28 and I'm sitting, because I realized that my country is rushing on a fast train to the Abyss station"

In early December, history teacher Nikita Tushkanov was detained in Syktyvkar.
He was charged under two criminal articles at once - justifying terrorism and "discrediting" the army. The reason for this was his posts on social networks about the explosion on the Kerch bridge. Tushkanov was immediately arrested, and he celebrated the New Year
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🇵🇱 Poland: “If we don’t defend the independence of Ukraine, then we will become the next target”

Following France, Poland was one of the first Western countries to announce the transfer of tanks to Ukraine. When asked by journalists why Warsaw took such a step /1
without coordination with European partners, the official representative of the Polish government, Piotr Muller, said that in this way Poland "wanted to set the tone." He believes that "similar political pressure" should encourage other European countries to act more decisively/2
If we don’t defend Ukraine’s independence, then we will become the next target [for Russian aggression],” Muller told TVP Info.

That is why Poland wants Ukraine to be able to defend itself, and for this it needs weapons and equipment. [BILD]

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Cyberpunk War. The landscape near Bakhmut resembles the battles of the First World War
What is happening on the front line in Ukraine is somewhat reminiscent of a work in the cyberpunk genre. The definition of “the decline of human culture against the backdrop of technological /1
progress in the computer age” at least partially fits the description of a situation in which remotely controlled drones hang in the sky on both sides of the front, transmitting coordinates to launch missiles at the enemy forces, while soldiers have to squeeze in into /2
mud-filled trenches over which tree fragments protrude.

Pictures from under Bakhmut, which the Ukrainian media began to distribute over the weekend, are reminiscent of photographs from the battlefields of Passchendaele and other battles of the First World War, /3
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The Russian army is bombarding Ukraine with obsolete missiles from its nuclear arsenal, removing their warheads. This conclusion was made by British intelligence, having studied photographs of downed shells.

Open source images show the wreckage of a destroyed AS-15 Kent (X-55) air-launched cruise missile designed in the 1980s to carry nuclear weapons. The warhead was probably replaced with ballast, intelligence officials say.

Most likely, Russian forces use such missiles as decoys to divert Ukrainian air defenses. Projectiles are dangerous even without nuclear warheads, since they can cause damage "due to their kinetic energy and unused fuel." However, /3
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Russia is seriously lagging behind other countries in the implementation of industrial robots, Putin said, speaking on Thursday at the Journey into the World of Artificial Intelligence conference.

To solve the problem, according to Putin, /1 Image
the government was instructed to launch a new federal project to develop domestic robotics. The Cabinet of Ministers will "determine the legal, tax, regulatory regimes, the necessary measures of state support, as well as the mechanism for financing developments," Putin said.
For successful work in this direction, it is important to strengthen the connection between science and business, he said: to act "in dialogue with researchers, engineers and technology companies." In addition, according to Putin,
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Ukrainian drones attacked Sevastopol, two of them shot down Russian air defense, said the city governor Mikhail Razvozhaev in his telegram channel. The movement of sea passenger transport was stopped in the city.
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Our duty air defense forces are working right now. There is an attack by drones. According to preliminary information, two UAVs have already been shot down. All forces and services are on alert. No civilian objects were damaged. Please remain calm,” he wrote.
Earlier, telegram channels reported explosions near the Crimean cities of Evpatoria and Balaklava.

Sevastopol has become one of the targets of mass attacks by Ukrainian drones. At the end of October, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched, according to Razvozhaev,
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The Sovetsky District Court of Crimea sentenced local resident Aziz Fayzullaev to three years in a penal colony in the case of setting fire to the administration of the Pushkinsky rural settlement.

According to the court decision, he will also have to pay 700 thousand rubles of material damage.

The incident itself, on which Fayzullaev was tried, took place on the night of June 5. The investigation claims that the man, being in a state of intoxication, threw two /2
Molotov cocktails into the window of the village administration building that he had previously broken. There were no casualties as a result of the arson, but furniture and appliances are said to have been damaged. The motives of the act of the Crimean, /3
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Prepare for revenge. Russia secretly transported about 100 air defense missiles from Belarus to Russia to launch a new large-scale attack against Ukraine - Daily Mail

The publication reports that from November 9 to 13, about 20 Il-76 flights were recorded flying from Belarus /1
to the West and South Russia. Each could be loaded with pallets of at least 70 missiles.

The report notes that the weapons are deployed at the airfields in Millerovo and Rostov-on-Don. Analysts speculate that Russia may be preparing to retaliate for Ukraine's successes, /2
and is therefore moving missile defense systems to protect its borders from possible strikes.

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The European Union has frozen Russian assets worth about 68 billion euros, most of which are in Belgium, writes Politico, citing an internal EU document.
Belgium has frozen 50 billion euros, Luxembourg is in second place in terms of the amount of frozen Russian assets - 5.5 billion euros. According to the publication, these countries, together with Italy, Germany, Ireland, /2
Austria and France, account for more than 90% of the frozen assets.
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