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Sep 12th 2020
#Unrealism #NehruvianFP #CCP #IncrementalImperialism: Equality between Criminal & Victim is a Liberal Fantasy. Unless you call out criminal aggressors & their lies, they get a license for their #Geobblesian propaganda of calling every #defensive action of victim as aggression
2/ccp Chinese Communist Party(#CCP) is quite capable of taking what it wants from others(land, islands, seas, ports, telecom, technology, profits), issue is, 1) What can we get from them(eg land they took in May-June)? 2) What is best way to get it(eg alliance,def capital exp?)
3/ccp We are not content with the status quo" of, (1)Jehadi terror perpetrated by Pakistan agnst us since 1980, (2) Creeping acquisition of Indian territory on LAC by China, (3) Nuclearisation of Pakistan by China since 1970 & SinoPak alliance threatening us, (4) Ch in NSG, UNSC
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Sep 7th 2020
#Professor🤡#Phd:" #CCP has the freedom to propagate it's #Geobblesian propaganda in our free, open democracy, we have the freedom to argue about it in our own media" #EqualRights for all! 🤡
1/geob #History is what the #CCP decrees it to be, every despot has his own personalized version of history
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