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May 12th 2023
1/18 Recommendations from the #GoneTooSoon paper published in todays @TheLancetPsych.

(Warning: This thread references suicide)

1. Eliminating the silos of physical and mental health care will make healthcare more holistic. On a white background title...
@TheLancetPsych @ProfAnnJohn @suicideresearch @DaveHendMD @DrLaifChan @UnitedGMH @MondelliValeria @parisamansoori @afspnational @YoungMindsUK @samaritans 2/18 Collaborative care models integrate a range of carers, including primary care providers, mental health staff, social workers and other healthcare professionals working together to provide holistic care. On a white background Title...
3/18 Improving training and building capacity in the #MentalHealth workforce is vital, especially in low and middle income countries and other low resource settings. On a white background Title...
Read 18 tweets
May 12th 2023
The #GoneTooSoonpaper, published in @TheLancetPsych identifies a range of factors that increase the risk of early mortality for people who are suffering from mental health conditions.

🟡Traumatic life events
🟡Stigma and marginalization

🟡Insecure Housing
🟡Lack of meaningful societal relationships
🟡Restricted access to healthcare
🟡Poor education
🟡Income insecurity

The purpose of the paper is to identify not just these common factors that increase the risk of premature mortality...
… But also to mobilise this evidence into prioritised actions to reduce this inequity.

The paper makes 18 recommendations to policy makers and global leaders, business owners and healthcare providers that can help to save lives and prevent more people from being #GoneTooSoon.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
This is a thread, and Public Service Announcement- It might help you save a life (even your own).

Exactly a year ago, my cousins Rediet and Bereket were driving our uncle Seife to the airport. My uncle Seife spent his vacation in Ethiopia with his wife and kids. (1/12)
They were headed to the airport to return to Germany. His wife and kids were in another car.
At the airport, all arrived except for Seife, Rediet and Bereket. No one picked up the phone despite many calls. (2/12)
All suspicious of the worst-case scenario, they roamed through the streets of Addis Ababa in all different routes, trying to find them. As one family described it, they came across people gathered in the backdrop of loud sirens, bright blue/red lights, and ambulances. (3/12)
Read 15 tweets

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