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Oct 19th 2019
A #tweetorial/#medthread on this complication of stem cell transplantation!

#MedEd #FOAMEd #dermtwitter #onctwitter #medtwitter #dermatology #dermatologia pc:@dermnetnz

1st, a poll:

How do you differentiate acute & chronic skin #GVHD?
Acute vs. chronic GVHD is usually differentiated by when it occurs: before or after 100 days since allogeneic stem cell transplant. BUT in the skin, MORPHOLOGY is key!

As with almost everything else in derm, start with the exam. That will tell you what you're dealing with!
Acute GVHD is usually morbilliform, which means "measles-like." Morphologically, we describe this eruption as "3-4 mm pink papules that coalesce into plaques." Whenever we see this in a SCT pt, the ddx includes the following:
- acute GVHD
- morbilliform drug
- viral exanthem
Read 14 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
Out today! New tool for everyone interested in immune monitoring using mass cytometry (#CyTOF). Provides a comprehensive reference panel to identify major immune cell lineages, functional subsets and checkpoint molecule expression.

Some highlights below:…
No more spending several months to establish a panel! Our workflow is ready-to-go, consists of
commercially available reagents (@fluidigm) and is already titrated. Using this backbone, >98% of peripheral blood cells can be clearly identified by positivity for >4 antigens

We further validated our approach by flow cytometry and across various research centers. Also, works comparable on both live and pre-fixed cells. Did we miss your favorite marker or you have a specific hypothesis? Can easily be extended with 10+ surface and intracellular markers
Read 5 tweets

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