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Jan 16th 2021
@tracesoffaith 1) After I started to Listen to @amygrant 's music, in 1985. And, I began to listen to #ChristianRadio , regularly. BUT, then, 17 years later; a teaching colleague of mine invited me to "Give This #BibleStudy a try." The teacher was a lady I had Only known from listening to @KSBJ
@tracesoffaith @amygrant @KSBJ 2) B4 & After School & she & the #DJ , were broadcasting Live, in downtown #houstontx & it was a #WatermelonSeed #SpittingContest ! #Hilarious ! A month later, I found out This #BibleStudy was a One of it's kind; bc it was going to be #OnlineToo ! It was #BelievingGod2002 ! By...
@tracesoffaith @amygrant @KSBJ 3) @BethMooreLPM ! 😂✝️💞🍉😛 #ForReal ! 😂 The #OnlineStudents started 1.5 weeks after the #HomeGroup . The #BibleStudyVideos were broken up into smaller parts. Well, as I Listened to the First Session, I was beginning to #FallInLove w/ the "Biblical #Jesus "; but, I didn't
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Jun 23rd 2019
Deeper meanings of the #HolyBible written in God’s language: #Hebrew. Each #Christian should learn & teach our children this truth. It’s more amazing than any other thing(s) part of the indoctrination within the public system.

This is OUR heritage. Judeo-Christian Heritage. Image
Nothing new under the sun. The study of the Holy Bible isn’t new however, it’s not a common thing for Christians today to study on a multi-dimensional level unless you’re family with Chuck Missler - who really brings it home for those of us who were stuck in science.
And why isn’t the term “Judeo -Christian” used so much anymore? OT+NT. Grafting.

Hebrew language relays His Message multi-dimensional format - b/c He is multi-dimensional, multiple dimensions exist and have been proved via quantum equations & CERN (one good thing about CERN) ImageImageImage
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