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Jan 18th 2020
In theory, interior ministers responsible for fighting disinformation.

In Germany, interior minister Horst Seehofer engages in active disinformation campaign by claiming "#5G rollout would be delayed by 5-10 years without Chinese suppliers".

@BMI_Bund Oh, how surprising that Huawei's chief European lobbyist endorses German interior minister Seehofer's disinformation campaign.

Seehofer should be held to account by parliament & media for lie #5G roll-out would be delayed by "5-10 years" without Huawei.

@BMI_Bund And how fitting that Huawei's @PacdWeu chose @SputnikInt rendition of Seehofer's disinformation campaign for his messaging. It's all coming full circle.
#HuaweiFacts #SeehoferFacts
Read 3 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
"Myth of Huawei's 5G technology leadership".

Excellent piece by @laserspex debunking Huawei's empty claims on being ahead in terms of patents & 5G contracts implying Europe will lose 5G race without Huawei

cc: @claudianemat @deutschetelekom @Telefonica…
@laserspex @claudianemat @deutschetelekom @Telefonica "While with @ericsson you can trace every single 5G contract on website, @Huawei says they cannot give detailed information on exact breakdown of 5G contracts and that its up to their clients to communicate their 5G plans".
@laserspex @claudianemat @deutschetelekom @Telefonica @ericsson @Huawei Going against often quoted concern that Ericsson & Nokia wouldn't be able to supply whole of Europe if Huawei was excluded, Ericsson says it has capacity to supply (as demonstrated in US that is ahead of Europe on 5G) and that concerns are unfounded.…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
Should Canada ban #Huawei from 5G? @brianleecrowley makes the case that “both Huawei’s behaviour and that of its Chinese Communist Party overlords is such that Canada should follow the US, Australia and New Zealand and forbid Huawei’s involvement in 5G.”…
This debate over #Huawei’s involvement in 5G was recently highlighted as part of the @TorontoStar’s ‘The Big Debate’ series. Writing for the other side of the debate was @Stockwell_Day. #cdnpoli #cdnnatsec #cdnfp #cdnecon…
This has attracted the attention of Huawei employees, who are encouraging others (including potentially thousands of fellow employees) on China’s preferred social media platform, WeChat, to vote for the ‘no’ side of the debate. #cdnpoli #cdnfp @binghuiyin
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