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Dec 2nd 2019
#Migration #Libya Do you know that more than 30% (personal estimate) of national @UNHCRLibya partner staff have resigned in the last 2 years? Can you guess why?

- Those are experienced people who held key positions & managed the work since 2014 when #UNHCR wasn't on the ground.
- One has refused a management position just because of the current mess & the sudden redirection of #refugees from GDF/Detention to the CDC.
- Others were burning out due to the moral clashes they face in their daily work that contradicts their idea of #humanitarianPrinciples
Many others including myself 3 years ago, I was a partner staff to #UNHCR in #Libya
I wasn't satisfied with the knowledge gap& the top-down approach from UNHCR to its frontline partners as risk transfer strategy, AND for not providing efficient aid while we had potential+capacity
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