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Feb 19th 2023
Quick check in - even with comments limited my #IAmTheFaceOfMaid post has absolutely taken on a life of its own. Not in a good way. And yet… 1.7M views doesn’t get me a GI doctor and the medical care I need to survive this.
I’ve been so tempted to lock down my account but…desperate times. I KNOW there are doctors in #Vancouver who could help me if they wanted to. But my referrals, even if I can get them, always get rejected. I need someone WILLING as well as able. @DoctorsOfBC
I don’t want to have to go to the media for this, I never wanted this kind of attention nevermind when I’m in this kind of state (I’m not a super vain person but I look as horrendous as I feel and barely recognise myself anymore). But they are more interested than anyone medical.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
A major part of the stories of #iamthefaceofMAID is that some health conditions are NOT recognized and/or treated in Canada (like MCS and hEDS). BUT!!! They are recognized by #MAID. This is THE disconnect Canada! This is why we need to talk about #IamthefaceofMAID 1/n
If #MAID will recognize conditions, like #MCS and #hEDS, and there are not even specialists in Canada that treat those conditions. Well, we have a problem.
The #hEDS community struggles every day, thousands of us, for treatment that we know is available but it is not offered in Canada. Often we travel to the US for diagnosis because there are so few specialists in Canada. The surgeries needed are not offered in Canada. 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
@CitImmCanada To anyone considering moving to Canada: DON’T until you know what you are getting into. Depending on where you are from, it may be a gigantic step down in quality of life.
I am German and returning to EU after 16 years abroad. 11 years in Canada, which I sorely regret. There is a
@CitImmCanada joke among expats that CA has a great intl PR team.
Healthcare here is atrocious. After 11 years still NO FAMILY DOCTOR. Walk in clinics suck. Chronic gastro disease and NO chance to see a new specialist (old one sucked).
Broke my foot, had to pay $300 for a walking boot. Anemic
@CitImmCanada & need iron IV? $1000 per course. No chance to get it paid bc wait times >>> 1 year.
UNAFFORDABLE SHIT QUALITY RENTALS. Paying $3100 for just over 70 square meters in Vancouver for what would be mediocre quality in Europe.
No change at owning home & garden.
A cultural wasteland
Read 11 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
I am the face of #MAID (assisted-death) in Canada.

As a 42 year old woman with a rare complication of lupus + iatrogenic injuries I will only cost the 'system'. I want to live but can’t get the care I need + have been approved for MAID.

#IamthefaceofMAID #Iamthefaceofhumanity Image
This was me a year and a half ago right before my health was devastated by medical negligence and malpractice, in the form of a catastrophically damaging hospitalisation, misprescribed unnecessary high prolonged doses of prednisone, and a bad reaction to Rituximab infusions. Image
I’ve been begging for care especially with my GI symptoms which are slowly killing me, my specialists have mostly abandoned me, and my medical decline is being attributed to “psychological distress” and my illness (which is absolute BS, it had improved on IVIG).
Read 8 tweets

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