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Nov 10th 2018
I received a very beautiful message this #Diwali and found it #TooGoodNotToShare ..
Most know that Diwali is a #FestivalofLights

#TheFiveLamps ..

While we all light our houses, do spend some time today to light a few lamps inside you and sit in silence with your eyes closed.
#Light the first lamp inside u and let it burn your #anger and or #jealousy that u may have for any one till date; see it melt away...

Light the second lamp and let it burn away unwanted #greed and desires... feel #happy and contented with what you have been blessed with.
#Light the third lamp and let it fade away all #insecurities that you may have in your mind related to anything or financials; just believe that #God has given u life and he will surely give you enough to survive.#
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