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Mar 4th 2023
Saturn and Hanumanji: Saturn as a planet


#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
“Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam

Chaaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Once upon a time Ravan (the demon king) captured Saturn and held him hostage in the darkest dungeon to prevent bad luck, delays and obstacles in his life.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Read 16 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
#DayLordNakshatraLord #DLNL
#Saturn #ShaniDev 🙏

#ScareMongers will have a heyday today! 🤷

#Fact- If #Saturn is #Benefic #YogKaarak in #Kundali, #Jaatak may not find a better day to start longterm activities/business for #profit generation/#Wealth creation

Again, in any case not ALL #Amavasya #Maavas is bad. Read quoted tweet of few months back in thread
Read 4 tweets

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