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Dec 16th 2022
@TuckerCarlson CIA organized #JFK’s brutal public assassination six weeks after he ordered we withdraw from Vietnam.

A few days after his murder, oil man LBJ reversed that to escalate the war which killed millions of poor people.

CIA asset #LHO really was a pasty.

@TuckerCarlson #JFK ordered we start pulling out of Vietnam War six weeks prior to his murder with #NSAM263 ::…

A few days after JFK’s murder, Texas oil profiteer #LBJ ordered the escalation of the war which led to millions of ☠️ #NSAM273 ::…
@TuckerCarlson It was pretty well known at the time #JFK’s assassination was a #fascist #coup on the 🇺🇸

A lot of old articles, interviews about it.

Here’s a clip from one of #JimGarrison’s ::…
Read 29 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
The Black FBI Director Who Destroyed The Black Panther Party For Giving Free Breakfast To Children

John Edgar Hoover was appointed as the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in 1924. A post he held until his death in 1972. Image
He became a very powerful man, feared by presidents and politicians because he had files and recordings on their illicit activity. He targeted prominent black leaders like Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King and their organization for investigation while actively pursuing the...
destruction of the fabric of the black community. He was quoted as saying especially in the light of free breakfast program to school children, The Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country.
Read 26 tweets

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