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Nov 18th 2022
Like a lot of the Android team yesterday, I resigned from @Twitter 🫡💙

Personally, I’m going to take a break and work out I want to do next.

I just want to say thank you to all of the tweeps who made my time so great. #LoveWhereYouWorked

Short 🧵 /1
My team shipped #JetpackCompose and all of our internal supporting infra internally, supporting a bunch of teams, enabling them to move soooo much faster. We fully built out our design system as part of this too. /2…
We (and I mean mostly @_sierraobryan here) were this close to shipping the Compose re-write of a core piece of UI which is used *everywhere*, but alas it now lives in unshipped experimentation purgatory. /3
Read 10 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
#AndroidDev Recipe: How to cook "complex" UI logic in a #JetpackCompose project? 🧑‍🍳

Solution: Type-safe reducer using Kotlin magic 🪄

🧵 Thread

1️⃣ useCompose's react module which has useReducer hook
2️⃣ Create a data class to hold the state
Read 10 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
#100DaysOfCode #AndroidDev #JetpackCompose

📲 100 días de código para Android Devs: Día 8

🟢 Jetpack Compose en Android
🔸 Es un hecho que hacer UI al estilo Android era de las cosas más difíciles y retadoras para un Mobile Developer.

💙 Y es de reconocerse que esfuerzos como React Native o Flutter han apoyado este proceso de hacer que la construcción de UI sea cada vez más sencilla y eficiente.
El problema de UI de Android va más allá del hecho de solo usar xml, en realidad si vamos a fondo las cosas se tornan obscuras cuando analizas el árbol de jerarquías entre Views.
El simple hecho de tener Herencia implicada hacía que los componentes no pudieran escalar por sí solo
Read 8 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
Curios about Compose but haven’t had the chance to look into it? 🤔

Here’s a collection of 12 core Composable functions used to build UI!

🧵Thread 👇

#indiedev #JetpackCompose #Android #AndroidDev #DEVCommunity #coding
1. Text Composable

You can use the Text composable to display text. You can use the style argument to define things like TextDecoration or FontFamily.

It's similar to the TextView in the classic Android View system.
2. Image Composable

Image is used to display images. It’s similar to an ImageView in the classic Android View system.

You can use painterResource to load an image from the resources.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
15 essential topics you should know when starting out as an #AndroidDev:

🧵Thread 👇

#indiedev #JetpackCompose #Android #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #coding Image
1. Learn Java first and then Kotlin.

Kotlin is the best choice as the code is compact and less verbose than Java.

But start with Java as it's essential for your professional portfolio. Java is your core dev language. Only when confident with Java, one should jump into Kotlin! Image
2. Start from the official resources

Don't directly jump into tutorials. Check out the official courses:

Or codelabs:

Then you can search for third party courses for more advanced topics
Read 16 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
15 Github repos that you must check out as an #AndroidDev:

🧵Thread 👇

#indiedev #JetpackCompose #Android #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #coding
1. Android Guides
Updated guides and learning materials on core topics on Android.…
2. Google Architecture components samples

Awesome resource for those who want to explore how Android architecture components should or could be used.…
Read 16 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
On #JetpackCompose Alpha day, I want to share a story about Architecture in Compose

When we open sourced Compose at I/O 2019, one of the most common questions from many Android developers was “What does this mean for the architecture of our apps?”
Compose doesn’t change the architecture of your app. The guide to app architecture remains our opinionated guidance for a common architecture for Android apps.

At the same time, there’s been a lot of discussion inside and outside of Google about architecture in Compose apps.
Today, in most Android architectures, the smallest UI component in the architecture is an Activity or Fragment.

This is a natural result of two things:

1) Android speaks Activities (or Fragments)
2) Managing custom views is harder than managing Fragments or Activities
Read 17 tweets
Jan 28th 2020

(Не)-большой тредик о том, какой подход, вероятнее всего, в скором времени приживется в большинстве компаний: от маленьких галер, до больших корпоратов.

Суть подхода заключается в том, что...

Он призван помирить два часто абсолютно зря враждующих друг меж другом лагеря — адептов ведра и овесеров и сплотить их перед единой задачей: написанием единого кода.

Один из его главных плюсов в том, что вкатиться в него проще простого и возможно на любом проекте,

где уже используется swift или kotlin.

Инструментарий и сами подходы к созданию языков дают возможность писать практически полностью интерполируемый друг меж другом код.
Read 41 tweets

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