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Sep 18th 2022
NFL Week 2 Sunday continues in Dallas! Hereโ€™s a look back at some of the top Sharps for these teams last season! To find out more about these Sharps and others, check out the app using the NFL filter! Curious where your name is? Reach out!
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Dec 20th 2019
One of my besties from Louisiana, where I used to live, just shared this story with me. We ALL need this story today.

LSU's QB, #JoeBurrow, won the #HeismanTrophy. During his speech, he talked about how where he's from, Athens County, is the poorest part of the state.
Athens Co has double the national poverty rate. Kids go home from school hungry and there's nothing to eat.
Since Burrows' speech LSU fans and others have donated $500k to the Athens County food bank--and now it's spreading to food banks in Baton Rouge.
So while Trump is literally taking food away from poor people by cutting #SNAP, a college kid is raising awareness and getting help for kids with nothing to eat. In the #DemDebate @amyklobuchar said we need to remember our Dem values are morality and decency. This is that.
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Dec 15th 2019
1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4416: Joe Borrow wins the Heisman โ€” #Nonverbal #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Heisman #HeismanTrophy #JoeBurrow #JalenHurts #JustinFields #ChaseYoung
2/ Earlier tonight the 2019 Heisman Trophy winner was named. To the surprise of few. Joe Burrow won college football's highest individual award.
3/ The image above shows the top four candidates about 12 seconds prior to the announcement. Left to right in the above image are Joe Borrow, Justin Fields, Jalen Hurts, and Chase Young.
Read 16 tweets

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