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Dec 2nd 2022
#ๅ‹ใƒ‡ใ‚ฏ #ๅ‡บๅ‹ #์›”๊ฐ„๋ฐ์ฟ ์บ‡ #MHA #BNHA #MyHeroAcademia #BokuNoHeroAcademia

Title: Pickup.

Bakugou pulled up to his new house in his red pick up truck. It was a gift from his mother and father who got it for him since he broke the top ten along with Midoriya.
They were a duo after all. The blonde was excited to move into his new home. Midoriya was next to him in the truck vibrating with just as much enthusiasm. Bakugou invited Midoriya and not his other friends because he actually planned to ask the smaller to move+
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