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Jun 3rd 2023
The recent #BalasoreTrainTragedy in #Odisha has shocked & saddened many people,including those who have served in senior operational positions in the #IndianRailways.
Some feedback we received:

One retired senior board officer said, "I am ashamed of what happened..
@RailMinIndia ImageImageImageImage
We had made so much progress in reducing accidents in recent years, but it seems like we have let our guard down. We need to get back to basics & focus on safety."

Another retired officer said, “Last major accident was in MaldaDivn ERly in Jan 2022.The #Malda derailment showed..…
that there were cracks in our strategy. We need to be more vigilant & make sure that all safety procedures are followed. Malda happened becoz basics of planning were ignored-while extending run of electric loco, neither Divn, nor Zone nor RlyBd ensured that locomotives will not..
Read 13 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
Why is #HathrasLobby,upset about #StanSwamy?

Special Judge of NIA Court DE Kothalikar rejected Bail plea of Stan Swamy,who had links with banned #Maoist Organisation

Why is dimwit @RahulGandhi upset at death of Stan Swamy,who wanted to Murder Democracy?…
@INCIndia,#RahulGandhi,his acolytes& #KhanMarketGang need to explain,why so much love for hardcore #Maoist,Stan Swamy,who wanted to overthrow democratically elected govt of the day in India?

#StanSwamy took money from Comrade Mohan for conspiring to act against the Indian State
Case was registered vide FIR No 04/2018 dated 08.01.2018 at PS Vishrambaug,Pune,Maharashtra regarding inciting people&giving provocative speeches during #ElgarParishad organized by activists of #KabirKalaManch on 31.12.2017 at Shanivarwada,Pune

#StanSwamy,lobby,misguiding people
Read 18 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
#KhanMarketGang the left overs in ShekarG, @BDUTT @sagarikaghose @sardesairajdeep @rahulkanwal , and the younger ones in @Nidhi @KavithaKris and so on, are ventilator mood now. The one great achievement of the present government of India is plugging all loopholes , south block
2. no longer accessible, the tough norms of travel, among other matters, like their freebies gone , this crowd is still attempting to muscle their way in - alas , they having missed the bus long ago - the one consolation is now people are aware of the gimmicks of this crowd and
SM, being fast to react , it's uncomfortable time for them.. one thing is clear , their narratives will grow bigger with Bihar, west Bengal coming up and their exclusive partners in TN media will hype TN . One thing is clear - that these narratives need to be allowed or not !
Read 3 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
#KhanMarketGang - #Luteyns is relatively a new term. They began this sychophancy , which J Nehru enjoyed very much, and the breed grew, leaving behind a group of successors. I was too young to understand the power play then, but one of the original members , who's still alive and
3. Stays in Bangalore is a damn good friend of mine and it goes beyond politics. In spite of his leanings , we enjoy each others company. The kind of stories he has told me , is sometimes a good anecdote, sometimes so nauseating , sometimes very scary too. Twitter would ban me
2. Or block me for life, because if I'm to post all the details , it would take me a day or more . However , even then they stifled media ,more crudely than now, though IG went one step further - she redefined harassment and threat to new standards #AntoniaMaino has been a good
Read 12 tweets

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