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Feb 14th 2023
Edwin Morgan

Kiss me with rain on your eyelashes,
come on, let us sway together,
under the trees, and to hell with thunder.

—a short 🧵 of Edwin Morgan love poems for #ValentinesDay 💘 & #LGBTHistoryMonth 🏳️‍🌈
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No smoke without you, my fire.
After you left,
your cigarette glowed on in my ashtray
and sent up a long thread of such quiet grey
I smiled to wonder who would believe its signal
of so much love…

—Edwin Morgan, “One Cigarette”
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There were never strawberries
like the ones we had
that sultry afternoon
sitting on the step
of the open french window
facing each other
your knees held in mine…

—Edwin Morgan, “Strawberries”
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Feb 22nd 2021
Today we'd like to celebrate nonbinary Jewish artist Claude Cahun (1894-1954), who is best known for surrealist photographic self-portraits. Image titles and dates in this thread are included in the alt text. Claude Cahun, Self-Portrait...Claude Cahun, Combat de pie...
There's debate about what pronouns to use for Cahun. A Francophone living in the first half of the 20th century, "she" pronouns were used, but "they" pronouns better reflect their nonbinary identity. We've chosen to use they pronouns to refer to Cahun in this thread.
In their 1930 autobiography, Cahun wrote of their gender identity: "Masculine? Feminine? It depends on the situation. Neuter is the only gender that always suits me." Claude Cahun, Self-Portrait...
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Feb 19th 2021
Yesterday we shared the story of how we came to care for the solitary tower of Old St Matthew's in Lightcliffe, West Yorkshire.

Although the rest of the church has gone forever, stories of the people who gathered there remain. And one of those is a love story ...

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St Matthew's church and tower was still new when the Walker family of Lightcliffe baptised Ann Walker there in 1803. 25 yrs later, after her brother's sudden death on his honeymoon, Ann and her sister inherited the family's estate, Crow Nest (less than a mile from St Matthew's). Image
At around the same time, in nearby Halifax, another heiress, Anne Lister, known locally as 'Captain Tom Lister' (and later 'Gentleman Jack'), took charge of her family home, Shibden Hall.

Ann and Anne had known each other as neighbours for some time ...
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Feb 15th 2021
In today's #LGBTHistoryMonth thread we're going to take a quick look at queer kings and queens of England. Is there any evidence of same-sex relationships in the English monarchy? 👀
Let's start with a recent *favourite*, Queen Anne, whose dramatic lesbian love triangle was fictionalised in Oscar-winner The Favourite. Was any of that true?
What we know is that Anne was close with Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, for many years. Before she became queen, Sarah was fighting Anne's corner and promoting Anne's interests in court (this probably was not entirely selflessly motivated from Sarah's end)
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Feb 14th 2021
These photos of the love, care and attention given to Georgia Black shortly befit her death in June 1951. The woman combing her hair is the sister of her husband. ♥ A church leader (and of Women's Missionary Society), her story as a trans woman was protected
by her Pastor, of a Methodist Church.

Her funeral was attended by Black and white mourners, described in Black on Both Sides as, "a remarkable gesture of desegregation" at the time.
The care and dignity shown to this woman in 1951 touched me deeply.

#LGBThistorymonth #BlackHistoryMonth #queerhistory

(Source: Black on Both Sides - C Riley Snorton)
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Feb 14th 2021
Today in the combination of #LGBThistorymonth and #BlackHistoryMonth, let's talk about how Louis Farrakhan Sr (wiki: formerly known as Louis X, an American religious leader and political activist who heads the Nation of Islam) also wrote and performed "Is she is, or is she ain't"
A song "about" or inspired by Christine Jorgensen.
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Feb 8th 2021
Today to celebrate #LGBTHistoryMonth we're going to introduce you to a medieval nun who you may not have heard of but you definitely should: meet Hildegard of Bingen, composer, writer, mystic, polymath, healer... and probably gay. Illumination from the Liber Scivias showing Hildegard receiv
(we'll kick things off with a standard disclaimer: we don't have a time machine so can't go back and just ask her if she was a lesbian, and sexuality was defined differently in the past. But Hildegard really, really loved a woman. A lot.)
Hildegard was born in 1098, and became a nun early in her life. She wrote many works including volumes of visionary theology, scientific and medical writing, and musical plays. Also, the first written description of a female orgasm.
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Feb 7th 2020
Polari is a secretive slang known as 'the lost language of gay men'.

In 2015, artist Jez Dolan used it to create a piece responding to the Wolfenden Report, translating parts of its recommendations into Polari. Find out why: #LGBTHistoryMonth
The Wolfenden Report was a landmark report produced in 1957 by a Committee set up to consider homosexual offences and prostitution.

It recommended that ‘homosexual behavior between consenting adults in private be no longer a criminal offence’. Image
Polari's use was at its height in the 1950s and '60s, when the Wolfenden Report was published. The language acted as both a disguise and an identification for gay men in public.

See the detail in Dolan's 'Wolfenden' below. #LGBTHistoryMonth Image
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