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Nov 19th 2021
What’s changing in #localnews? Just about everything - that’s what IPI found when, supported by @craignewmark, it dived into local #newsmedia around the world. They’re rethinking everything to work out what they need now to sustain vital journalism. 1/14…
@craignewmark IPI’s @jacquipark talked to 30+ media leaders and entrepreneurs who are transitioning legacy media or creating new local voices, half in the #USA and half in #Asia, the Pacific, #Africa and #Europe.

Here are some key insights 👇 2/14
@craignewmark @jacquipark 1. Local news media is the most disrupted sector of the media, the most urgently in need of assistance – and the sector with the greatest potential to form the bedrock for a new, stronger media ecosystem. 3/14
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Sep 3rd 2020
Former Executive Director and Three Contractors of the Mississippi Department of Education Charged with Conspiracy, Federal Bribery, Wire Fraud and Money Laundering…
“The indictment, returned by a federal grand jury on February 25, 2020, and recently unsealed by a federal court”
Read 3 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
.@GovHolcomb about to start his daily #coronavirus briefing. He's been joined once a week the last few weeks by bipartisan pairs of mayors: today, it's Jeffersonville's Mike Moore (R) and Gary's Jerome Prince (D).
.@StateHealthIN Commissioner Kris Box says ISDH has partnered w/ Indiana Minority Health Coalition to get info to minorities on best practices for dealing with #coronavirus. African-Americans have had disproportionately high rates of infection and death, in IN and nationally.
Box slideshow indicates worst single-day death toll is now 39, on April 14. Online dashboard hasn't quite caught up to that.
Read 22 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
ABC was not the only media outlet that quashed the Epstein story. There were many others, as NPR's @DavidFolkenflik reported months ago.… via @thedailybeast
@davidfolkenflik @thedailybeast One of the reasons I had trouble getting sources to cooperate with me on this story is that so many news outlets had bailed on the story that they were tired of talking to reporters who didn't do anything with it. I had to convince them that the Herald WAS going to print it.
@davidfolkenflik @thedailybeast My editor @caseyfrank1 had to assure one of the key sources in my series, who had never spoken publicly, that we were NOT going to be intimidated by the Alan Dershowitz's and Prince Andrews' and other powerful people connected to the story. #PerversionofJustice #localjournalism
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