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Mar 13th 2020
Nous devons de plus en plus prendre soin des plus vulnérables alors que #Europe se prépare pour #COVID19. Les personnes âgées, les Rroms, les pauvres,les sans-abri dans nos rues, les minorités et les personnes confrontées au racisme structurel ont besoin d'attention.#solidariteit Image
We are a community. We are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us.

Time to take meaningful actions to root out structural racism that weakens us all in EU & discriminates the most vulnerable. #SystemChangeNow #FightRacism #COVID19 @KMTaylorBerlin @MPriv_o @EU_Commission Image
What #COVID19 is screaming to us is clear!

We all are equal in our fear for ill health.

When will minorities, migrants, women, the poor, homeless & old people in #Europe have equal access to quality health care?

#lockdownBE #coronavirus @EU_Health @Europarl_EN @WHO_Europe Image
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