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Jun 15th 2023
1/ @PhotonsHedge is revolutionizing the financial landscape by tokenizing the data of assets, thereby unlocking the true potential of the data economy. This will help enhance transparency in trading and provides new opportunities to investors.

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2/ Asset data tokenization involves creating secured digital tokens on a distributed ledger. A 2020 study by a German FinTech firm #Cashlink and custody provider @Finoa_io, stated that moving securities on blockchains could save $17B - $24B yearly in global trade running costs.
@Finoa_io 3/ By digitally representing physical assets on distributed ledgers, @PhotonsHedge adds liquidity to assets. Liquidity can be provided when assets such as @oceanprotocol or securitized data, are staked. This significantly depicts how asset data is tokenized and democratized.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
1/ @PhotonsHedge is revolutionizing the financial landscape by tokenizing the data of assets, thereby unlocking the true potential of the data economy. This will help enhance transparency in trading and provides new opportunities to investors.

๐Ÿงต A Thread
2/ Asset data tokenization involves creating secured digital tokens on a distributed ledger. A 2020 study by a German FinTech firm #Cashlink and custody provider @Finoa_io, stated that moving securities on blockchains could save $17B - $24B yearly in global trade running costs.
@Finoa_io 3/ By digitally representing physical assets on distributed ledgers, @PhotonsHedge adds liquidity to assets. Liquidity can be provided when assets such as @oceanprotocol or securitized data, are staked. This significantly depicts how asset data is tokenized and democratized.
Read 12 tweets

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