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Apr 25th 2023
You've probably heard the #Mediterraneandiet is "healthy" for you, but why? Dr. Adedapo Iluyomade, preventive cardiologist at Baptist Health Miami Cancer & Vascular Institute explains in this thread:

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The foods typical to the Mediterranean diet are not only delicious; decades of research show they help improve blood vessel function, reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and benefit the heart.

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Another protective effect is that the diet is rich in antioxidants. This helps protect the blood vessels from plaque buildup or narrowing of arteries.

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Read 5 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
The results of the #KetoMedStudy are finally out! How low-carb do you need to go for glucose control? Is keto better than a low-carb Mediterranean diet with no refined grains (Med-Plus)? šŸ‘‰ā€¦

#keto #ketodiet #MediterraneanDiet #ketomedstudy #luciaaronica
Here's a brief summary of the study and results:

Randomized, crossover trial of keto vs. Med-Plus (12-weeks for each diet phase) for glucose control in 33 individuals with pre-diabetes/diabetes.
Potential wins for keto:
ā€¢ Lower CGM average glucose and TG with lower meds
ā€¢ Lower HbA1c (primary outcome) after accounting for meds reduction
ā€¢ Better outcomes with greater weight loss and higher HDL for those who started with Keto in the first phase
Read 9 tweets

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