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Apr 16th 2021
The news cycle is a confusing space sometimes;

- #ElectricCars are the future for the planet
- Mining #Lithium batteries is destroying parts of Bolivia/Chile/Argentina

- Decentralised #Cryptocurrencies are the future
- Mining #Bitcoin = huge energy consumption
The narrative around everything nowadays is all about #Values

Corporates latch onto every opportunity

Individuals the same (just read some of the stuff on LinkedIn) 🧐

Life & business is essentially a game
#Winning is always key! (Be nice tho)

The rest is Perception=Reality
I'm a #football fan & I see a footy angle in almost everything I read! 🧐

Not sure if these connections stand up, but here's what I saw;

- #Bolivia former President #EvoMorales was ousted in 2019. Evo a #SimonBolivar anti-imperialist styled leader


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