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May 12th 2023
Acquired by Mukesh Ambani in a hostile takeover, #Milkbasket is growing on steroids πŸš€πŸš€

It’s growing in cities where no competition has reached yet, & that too without much upfront investment!

Here’s how πŸ‘‡ Image
Founded in ’15, Milkbasket (MB) raised ~$40 million in its lifetime πŸ’°πŸ’°

πŸ”† It would let people order till midnight & then deliver by 7am

πŸ”† By 2021, having grown to scale, it had burnt a lot of funds. Thus, the company was exploring sale to BigBasket, Swiggy or Amazon
This was when Reliance Retail swung into action:

πŸ”† It got Vani Kola’s Kalaari Capital to sell its entire 15.26% stake to Mahendra Nahata at mere Rs 400cr valuation!

πŸ”† As Nahata a Director on Reliance Jio Infocomm’s board, it was clear who the real buyer was
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Acquired by Mukesh Ambani in a hostile takeover, #Milkbasket is growing on steroids πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Who knew #Reliance could turn it around & expand so well, so quick!

Let’s start from the beginning πŸ‘‡
Founded in 2015, Milkbasket raised ~$40 million in its lifetime πŸ’°

It shot to attention after Vani Kola of Kalaari Capital invested in it.

Kola was known to have the Midas touch. Thus, marquee investors like Blume Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Unilever Ventures & many more followed.
Milkbasket would let people order till midnight & then deliver by 7am.

By mid-2019, it was doing >1L orders/day.

But, it had burnt a lot of funds to get there, and was facing difficulty in convincing investors anymore πŸ˜“
Read 12 tweets

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