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May 28th 2023
I am revealing the MESSI of my Portfolio. #FMF10 is #CCLProducts . It has 4% of my Portfolio allocation, so I am BIASed.

If you are here for the NAME, you can skip the 🧵. But if you want to know the THESIS, stay on. It will be a LONG Thread, as it's my 2 Years of Research!
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What's fuelling the insane 4X Stock Price growth in under 3 Years? ( From COVID Lows)

That's almost a 69% CAGR🤔 Let's Explore.

In JUNE 2021 I wrote this first & small thread on #CCLProducts. It was at 300 Levels.

Have touched upon why I sensed it was a STRONG re-rating Candidate.

I started NIBBLING in "APRIL 2021" ( I ALWAYS FAIL to catch the BOTTOM and that's OK😅)
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Read 21 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Mukesh Ambani’s AJIO Luxe is such an unbelievable growth machine! 🚀🚀

But, most people don’t know that Luxe & @AJIOLife are two separate platforms.

Here is all there is to know 👇
AJIO was launched in FY17, and it grew at a decent pace until Covid happened.

It saw:
⚡ 4x growth in revenues
⚡ 3.5x growth in web visits
⚡ 6x growth in no. of brands
⚡ 4.6x growth in no. of products

It was promising.
Most importantly, it threw out some strategic pointers:
💡 AJIO recorded >70% of orders from Tier-3 & beyond
💡 It carried the image of a bargain-hunter’s paradise
💡 It hadn’t been able to crack Tier-1 & Metros as well
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Acquired by Mukesh Ambani in a hostile takeover, #Milkbasket is growing on steroids 🚀🚀🚀

Who knew #Reliance could turn it around & expand so well, so quick!

Let’s start from the beginning 👇
Founded in 2015, Milkbasket raised ~$40 million in its lifetime 💰

It shot to attention after Vani Kola of Kalaari Capital invested in it.

Kola was known to have the Midas touch. Thus, marquee investors like Blume Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Unilever Ventures & many more followed.
Milkbasket would let people order till midnight & then deliver by 7am.

By mid-2019, it was doing >1L orders/day.

But, it had burnt a lot of funds to get there, and was facing difficulty in convincing investors anymore 😓
Read 12 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
🥤"Campa Cola Returns: Reliance Brings Back the Iconic Brand"


1) Campa Cola was a popular soft drink brand in India in the 1980s and 1990s.

It was owned by Pure Drinks Group, which was founded in 1977 by the Ramesh Chauhan family.

#Reliance #Campa #campacola
2) In 2000, the Indian government banned the production and sale of Campa Cola due to concerns about the use of pesticides in soft drinks.
3) Reliance Consumer Products Limited(RCPL) acquired Campa for INR 22 Cr from Pure Drinks Group.

4) The initial Campa portfolio will consist of Campa Cola, Campa Lemon, and Campa Orange.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
#BigPicture #Modinomics Do you know why your #PETROL price is NOT falling despite the 30% Discount #Russian Crude? 3 Charts to explain it.
Chart 1 is Weekly Brent Price & 4 wk moving avg
Chart 2 is Monthly INDIA crude Oil Basket.
Chart 3 is Russian Oil Discount. ImageImageImage
As you can see from
Chart 1: Apr Brent Px is $104. Today 4wk lagged is $83/bbl
Chart 2: Indian Basket in Apr is also $103, Today in month of Feb its $82.3/bbl
Chart 3: Shows Discount is $31/bbl.
Chart 4: As of today $30 Discount Russian Crude is 28% of India Basket ImageImageImageImage
How come even while foreign Minister @DrSJaishankar justifies Russian Crude saying he has COUNTRY to take care off when buying cheap crude, How come PUBLIC are get ZERO BENEFIT?

Who is benefiting from this Cheap Russian Crude ? #Reliance and (#Russian Owned) #NayaraEnergy. ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
Our ace chartist @bbrijesh posts the Index chart in his video. Let us understand on how he creates this index in Tradingview to analyze the charts. #Index #TechnicalAnalysis #charting
There are 2 ways to create an index - Equal Weighted Index #EWI and Market Cap Index #MCI. 1. EWI is used when maximum stocks are from large and midcap. 2. MCI is used when max stocks are midcap and smallcap.
To plot EWI, the stock price is just added and it is plotted on the chart. For Eg. I have taken 10 stocks - #Reliance #LT #TCS #Infy #BajFin #Dixon #DivisLab #Titan #RECLtd #BharatForg Check #chart attached
Read 8 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
🚨 "Mixed Results for Reliance in Q3: Revenue Up, Profits Stagnant"

Key Takeaways of Reliance Industries Q3 Result in this🧵

Reliance Industries operates 4 major business segments: Jio, Retail, Oil & Chemical, & Media.

#Reliance #RelianceJio
1) The total revenue of Reliance Industries for Q3 stands at 240,963 Cr, showing a 14.8% increase compared to the previous year, driven by sustained growth in the consumer businesses.

2) The profit after tax saw a marginal increase of 0.6% YoY, coming in at 17,806 crores.
3) Under the leadership of Akash Ambani, Jio's business recorded a 20.8% increase in revenue compared to the previous year, reaching a total of 29,195 Cr.

4) Jio's profit increased by 28.6% YoY, reaching 4,881 Cr. 27% of Reliance Industries' total profit is coming from Jio.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
#Nifty at all time high & investors are in dilemma whether to buy the Stocks or not.
The fear factor is if I buy at current levels & if markets fall,then the capital would be blocked in losses & will lose Bank FD interest also!
Here’s is a solution.
A 🧵Thread
For Learning!
Assume u have 6.5lacs & wish to Buy #Reliance but it’s trading at 2722.U find it costlier & wait for the stock to come down to 2600.
It’s a good approach but while u wait for ur desired 127 pts fall in this stock;
Here we go.
One may SELL PE of 2600 Strike(Jan Series) of Reliance which is quoting at 29.
Margin Required is 95000.
Qty is 250.
You have sold 2600 Strike PE at 29.
So, most imp is to understand it’s Break-even.
Let me explain ( for learning Purposes only)
Read 9 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Why we liked Amara Raja Batteries but never recommended it?

✅ India's 2nd largest mfg. of lead-acid batteries, mostly used in vehicles; but...

❌ No usage in electric 2w & 3w and rising env. concerns regarding lead batteries

More reasons in this thread ⤵️
✅ With $1Bn capex, expanding to Li-ion batteries that are preferred for EVs

❌ Li-ion batteries require much more techno-chemical expertise and new ways of mfg., unclear if Amara can imbibe

#ElectricVehicles #vehicles
❌ Li-ion batteries amount to > 50% of the cost of EVs, so auto cos. may produce it in-house (Tata, M&M, Ola already exploring)

Read 8 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
#MustRead #NIFTY #CostOfCapital
How Does #Rising #InterestRates/ #CostOfCapital/#DiscountingRate Impact Stock #Valuations. A STUDY of large Cap INDIAN Stocks
A long THEAD, pls stay with me...Exercise Shows a #StockWise Impact of Higher Discounting Rates & Implied Long Term Growth
Exercise based on Div Discounting Model (DDM) for Current GSEC vs 8.5% GSEC (Every Justification for it to be 9%).
Starting with #Reliance
Tab 1: Stk px implies 14% CAGR LT Growth (8yr + 8yr) @ 7.45% GSEC
Tab 2: Same Growth (14% CAGR) @ 8.55% GSEC
=>18% Lower Fair Value(Rs2062)
Higher Global Interest Rates to counter Inflation => lower Growth. Past 11yrs, High Growth & Low Interest Rate Environment, RIL growth: Revenues ($ linked) at 9.2% CAGR & EPS at 9% CAGR over FY11-22... So Assuming EPS growth @ 14% CAGR in prev tweet is AGGRESSIVE
Read 9 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
1/n रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड (आरआईएल) की 45वीं वार्षिक आम सभा (AGM) के मुख्य बिंदु
2/n रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड के चेयरमैन एवं प्रबंध निदेशक श्री मुकेश अंबानी ने कंपनी की 45वीं वार्षिक आम सभा (AGM) में सभी शेयरधारकों का स्वागत किया
3/n मुझे, हमारी व्यक्तिगत बातचीत और हमारा गर्मजोशी से मिलना याद आता है। मुझे पूरी उम्मीद है कि अगले साल हम एक हाइब्रिड मोड पर मिलेंगे, जो भौतिक और डिजिटल दोनों तरीकों का एक संयोजन होगा: मुकेश अंबानी
Read 73 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
1/n 45th Annual General Meeting (Post-IPO) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) begins…
2/n Shri Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Limited, welcomes all the shareholders to the company’s 45th Annual General Meeting
3/n I miss the warmth and bonhomie of our personal interactions. I sincerely hope that next year, we will be able to switch to a hybrid mode, which will combine the best of both physical and digital modes: Mukesh Ambani
Read 80 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
10 Trade Ideas for August 2022 🧵🧵

Started this new Monthly Thread

Re-Tweet and like for Max Reach 🙏

#investing #stocks
1) #AmbujaCement

- Looks prime setup for pump in short term
- 400+ expected in short term

Disc - Invested
2) #YesBank

As already posted above 15 Yes Bank can pump well in short term.

Price action may change completely.

Chart will be posted in telegram

Read 12 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022
2 Scenarios likely.
In ST, both point towards a min. rise to 50DSma, 16200-250
c = a = 16255
2 Scenarios likely.
In ST, both point towards a min. rise to 50DSma, 34450
c = a = 34915
2 Scenarios likely.
In ST, both point towards a min. rise to 50DSma, 2615

50% - 61.8% #retracement of last fall from 2817 to 2365 @ 2591-2645
Read 5 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Yesterday, most of the Oil Explorer and Producing Companies Like #Reliance, #Ongc, #MRPL were down by 10%.

There were multiple reasons for this. So let's discuss each reason one by one.

Before going ahead, Like and Retweet this tweet for wider reach.
First Reason:

#Government imposed taxes on the export of petrol, diesel, and jet fuel shipped overseas by Indian firms.
A tax of ₹6/L on exports of petrol and aviation turbine fuel and ₹13/L on exports of diesel will be levied.
The step is aimed at meeting the demand of the domestic market.

The taxes on exports come after oil refiners, particularly from the private sector, attracted huge gains from exporting fuel to markets such as Europe and the US amid a surge in international oil prices.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
Why Mukesh Ambani is dividing the Reliance empire again?

A thread 🧵 - 1/16

#Reliance #MukeshAmbani #jio #RelianceRetail
It took Dhirubhai Ambani and the Ambani family 40 years to make Reliance the biggest private company in India. Just 1 year after his death, the biggest business in India was divided among the next generation of the Ambani family.

Dhirubhai Ambani did not leave behind a will and proper succession plan for Reliance. It was probably an error of Dhirubhai which led to this division.

Read 16 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
#RelianceIndustries down 8%, ONGC down 12%

Here’s why 👇
Reliance and ONGC have faced a bloodbath since morning with their share prices taking a huge fall 📉

And it’s all because of one of their main products: Oil 🛢️
#Reliance saw a fall in their share price because the government imposed an export duty of ₹6 per litre on petrol & aviation fuel and ₹13 per litre on diesel 💸

This is so that the government can benefit from the rising exports 💰
Read 6 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
#Reliance - Biggest Heavyweight of the market.. Tanking today.. What happened.. Shall we find out ?
🧵 Image
(1/n) Govt today announced an increase in taxes on the export of petrol, diesel, and aviation turbine fuel (ATF).
It introduced 6/L tax on petrol exports, 13/L on diesel exports. This will dent Reliance profits, of which the Oil refining business was roughly 40% in Q4.
(2/n) The government has also announced taxes on windfall gains made by crude oil producers.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Akash Ambani appointed chairman as #MukeshAmbani steps down 🪜

Planned succession move or impulsive decision?

A thread🧵
Akash Ambani has been appointed as the chairman of the board at #RelianceJio, following the resignation of Mukesh Ambani, signalling a transition in leadership 🫡

According to report, Isha Ambani is also set to become the chairman of the #Reliance conglomerate’s retail unit 🛒
Succession plan?

Mukesh Ambani has studied the ways in which billionaire families pass on the baton to the next generation 🔑

He is finally taking the steps necessary to bring new and fresh perspectives into India’s largest conglomerate 🇮🇳
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Jun 28th 2022
Retailers are on expansion mode

~16.7 mn space addtion expected in FY21-24E vs. ~8 mn added in FY18-21 (~2x)

Dmart, Trent, ABFRL to double their retail space additions in next 3 yrs as comapred to last 3 yrs

#dmart #relianceretail #vmart #abfrl #trent #tcns
Revenue recovery rate surpasses pre-Covid levels from Q3FY22 onwards
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Jun 25th 2022
Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

1️⃣ #ADANIPORTS: ₹562
2️⃣ #ASIANPAINT: ₹2,552
3️⃣ #AXISBANK: ₹620
4️⃣ #BAJAJFINSV: ₹10,445
5️⃣ #BAJAJAUTO: ₹3,280

Save it for later ✅
#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket

Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

6️⃣ #BAJFINANCE: ₹4,668
7️⃣ #BHARTIARTL: ₹552
8️⃣ #BPCL: ₹255
9️⃣ #BRITANNIA: ₹2,534
🔟 #CIPLA: ₹850

Save it for later ✅
#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket #Trader #OI

Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

1️⃣ #COALINDIA: ₹163
2️⃣ #DIVISLAB: ₹3,154
3️⃣ #DRREDDY: ₹3,365
4️⃣ #EICHERMOT: ₹2,431
5️⃣ #GRASIM: ₹1,221

Save it for later ✅
#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket #BSE

Thread 🧵(3/11)
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Jun 20th 2022
A thread🧵 on Why gross refining margins (GRM) are at multi year high & what it means for refining stocks

"Exxon made more money than God this year," said Biden

GRM is difference between value of crude based products & value of crude oil.

GRM trends
Q1FY23 GRM (in average basis)- $23
Q4FY22 GRM - $8.1
Q3FY22 GRM - $6.1
Q2FY22 GRM - $3.7
Q1FY22 GRM - $2
Q4FY21 GRM - $1.2 Image
Why GRMs are multi year high?
- refiners shut several unprofitable facilities after crude turns negative in pandemic
- refining capacity down to 17.2 Mn bpd in Mar-22 bpd from 19 Mn bpd in April-20 while Downstream products demand remain robust, (1st time in 30 yrs).
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Jun 6th 2022
Must Read #Thread 👇🏻

Few strategic destructions done by #ModiGovt to help two of his Corporate friends

#BSNL was not allowed to bid in for 4G so that Modi ji’s #JIO enjoys a free run

(1/8) Image
#AAI bids for the new airports were rejected with no reason so that Modi’s #Adani takes away all new airports

Note: Adani has no prior #aviation experience

#SBI was pushed to give $ 1 Bullion debt to Modi’s #Adani to purchase #CoalMines in Australia.

Takes money from Indians & makes money by selling it back with huge profits! Wah Modi Wah

Read 9 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Refineries have potential with current situation to outperform index by least 100%. World 've crude oil boiling above 120$ but couldn't hv enough refining capacity to convert this crude oil into useful products like jet fuel, petrol & Diesel.

Thread - 1/6 🔽
As demand picking up suddenly post COVID, global refineries couldn't able to meet demand by Airlines & other domestic demand. Result to this last week American President given order to open closed oil refineries to meet demand.

Thread - 2/6🔽
Similar situation arising in African Continent also, where shortage of oil refineries shot up fuel prices. Due to this situation GRM (Gross Refining Margin) shot up like wild bull to all time high of 30.15$ BBL on Singapore exchange.

Thread - 3/6🔽
Read 7 tweets

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