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May 30th 2020
We'll now be hearing from Penny Ehrhardt of @VicUniWgtn, who will be speaking to the @FairVoteCanada annual conference about how #ProportionalRepresentation changed New Zealand, and enabled a strong, cooperative response to #COVID19. #ElectoralReform #cdnpoli #fvc2020 (A thread.)
Ehrhardt: New Zealand is unicameral, and for ethnicity has 64% European background, 16% Maori, around 15% Asian, around 9% Pacific. Has had #MixedMemberProportional since the early 1990s. @FairVoteCanada #ElectoralReform #cdnpoli #fvc2020
(New Zealand has, what I feel, is the IDEAL electoral system for Canada. Closed-list #MixedMemberProportional. Has strong representation for Maori as well. Great track record of their voting system.) @FairVoteCanada #ElectoralReform #cdnpoli #fvc2020
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