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Jan 27th 2022
🔴 LIVE: @rachelsibande joins @CLEARAA1's Talitha Hlaka, @The_DSD's Dez Jason, and @giz_gmbh #FAIRForward's Mark Irura as they discuss #ResponsibleDataUse for #DataGovernance and #MEL in times of unprecedented volumes of #DigitalData and new #DataLaws 👉
Dez Jason kicks things off by sharing @MERLTech's #ResponsibleData in #MonitoringAndEvaluation (#RDiME) #ME and #data life cycles, at every stage of which responsible #DataGovernance is considered key:…
Mark Irura notes the importance of using #data to improve governance but he emphasizes that communities need to know how their data is being used so they can protect their #privacy.

However, choosing not to share your data should NOT prevent you from participating in government!
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