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Murdaugh: "When I lied, I continued to lie."

Judge: "When will it end? The jury concluded that you lied and lied and continued to lie throughout your testimony."

Judge: You claimed to be somewhere else when the crime was committed, then when witness after witness placed you there minutes prior, you had to switch courses and admit to being there.


Judge tells #AlexMurdaugh he's sure Maggie and Paul visit him every night when he tries to go to sleep.

Murdaugh says: "All day and every night"

Judge Newman: "They will continue to do so and will reflect on the last time they looked you in the eyes"

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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 29 (March 3) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

Last night, Alex Murdaugh was found guilty of murder in the June 2021 slayings of his wife and son. He will be sentenced this morning.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
Murdaugh, who hails from a long line of prosecutors, faces 30 years to life in prison at his sentencing hearing today, and Judge Clifton Newman is known as a tough sentencer.

Newman said yesterday he wanted to hear some victim impact statements today before making his decision.
I don't yet know precisely how that is going to go. In this case, the victims' relatives overlap quite a bit with the defendant's.
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#GoWokeGoBroke #emergencyalert #GOPClownShow #ReadAcrossAmericaDay #MurdaughTrial #WorldBookDay #thursdaymorning

"Despite the scientific warnings, governments have never met a UN biodiversity target they have set for themselves and there is a major...…
#GoWokeGoBroke #emergencyalert #GOPClownShow #ReadAcrossAmericaDay #MurdaughTrial #WorldBookDay #thursdaymorning

...effort to make sure this decade is different."

And that was pretty much the very first thought I had after I read the subhead.
#GoWokeGoBroke #emergencyalert #GOPClownShow #ReadAcrossAmericaDay #MurdaughTrial #WorldBookDay #thursdaymorning

Really, every mark set by the #ParisAgreement has been missed... and those were only band-aid marks, not even measures that actually had teeth.
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NOW: Judge Newman addressing the juror misconduct issue.

#MurdaughTrial Image
They met with the juror and she denied talking about the case with anyone. The juror gave names to the judge of people she suspected were spreading the rumor. Those people were contacted and they provided an affidavit and they were brought in for an in chambers hearing.
Both of those people "waffled" on the nature and extent of the contact with the juror.
Judge: The juror has had contact or discussions concerning the case with at least 3 individuals. Though it doesn't appear it was extensive, it did involve the juror offering her opinion.
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 28 (March 2) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

We’re in the endgame. First up today is the defense’s closing argument. The jury will probably begin deliberating sometime today.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
Here’s yesterday’s Megathread for those catching up
Our story on lead prosecutor Creighton Waters’ three-hour closing argument yesterday. (The defense expects to go for two hours this morning)
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If looks could kill #AlexMurdaugh would be facing another charge as he stares daggers into Waters.

I have thought this from the moment I heard the evidence that Maggie was running to Paul when he got shot and then she was mowed down.

Listen to Waters this really hit hard

This is one of the hardest hitting pieces of testimony, there is no way #AlexMurdaugh could have gotten out of his vehicle checked both Paul and Maggie and called 911 in 19 seconds.

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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 27 (March 1) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

Witness testimony is over after 76 people came to the stand, several of them more than once. Closing arguments and Moselle trip today.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
Yesterday’s Megathread, for those catching up
First thing up this morning is the jury trip to Moselle. We won’t be able to cover that due to the court’s restriction on media access.

Court will resume around 11. We’ll have jury charges and closing arguments.

Deliberations could begin as early as this afternoon.
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 26 (Feb. 28) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

Prosecutors expect to call 4-5 witnesses in their reply case today and tomorrow, trying to rebut points raised by the defense.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
It’s not even 7 am and spectators have been outside the courtroom for hours. I spoke with a couple of ladies who got here at 4 am. They were probably 10th in line. Lot of lawn chairs.
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Day 25 of the #MurdaughTrial. The gallery gets admonished again about cheers & jeers when they hear testimony. Defense expects to rest their case today & are still requesting that the Jury visit Moselle. State plans to wrap up the rebuttal witnesses by tomorrow. The end is near!
Creighton objects. He doesn't want the jury to go to Moselle. He states the property isn't the same as it was the night of 6/7/21. Judge says this might cause the Jury to make premature conclusions. But if the Defense wants a jury view, they'll arrange a jury view. #MurdaughTrial
First witness today is forensic pathologist, Dr. Jonathan Eisenstat. He went to the same school as Dr. Diemer. #MurdaughTrial
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 25 (Feb. 27) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

The defense is expected to rest its case today, at the start of the trial's sixth week, after calling a few more witnesses.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
For those catching up, here’s the Megathread from Friday
Our full story on Alex Murdaugh's brutal cross-examination Friday. We also broke the news that AM has been charged with a misdemeanor related to contraband
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Alec Murdaugh's testimony cracked this case for me. Here is my closing argument. I have tried to make it as concise as possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen, over the past 5 weeks, and after dozens of witnesses and thousands of exhibits, the truth has surfaced.
Let's begin with the weekend before the brutal murders. AM and his family went to Columbia for a ball game. AM testified that he was suffering withdrawals. He did not attend the game. He stayed in his hotel room sick, shaking, miserable, craving an opioid fix.
Remember that AM told you that those withdrawals would make you "do almost anything" to make them stop. Well, now we know that he did just that. As we go through the day of the murders, remember that AM testified he had a pocket full of pills when LE arrived at the murder scene.
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🧵I stopped the trial to go back and watch Alex the night of the murders and it's bothering me. Bottom left, is Paul's body. Then Alex crosses to the right and walks right past Maggie's body calmly. Then stands back in the dark. #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
🧵 Then Alex says he can tell the officer the exact time he left, and offers to show the officer his phone. What did he mean? What was he going to show on his phone to show where he was? Was this a slip and a quick divert? #MurdaughTrial
🧵 Then Alex starts the lies. Says he was with Paul (note he does not say Paul Paul like he is now) for 2 hours. Says he was gone for an hour and a half for his moms (20 minutes he was there) Says he saw them 45 minutes before that. #Murdaugh #MurdaughTrial
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Today I expect the prosecution to get to the nitty gritty while they still have #AlexMurdaugh on the stand.

Yesterday was more on building who Alex really is and remember he’s being prosecuted for other crimes that his testimony will be used in as well.

#AlexMurdaugh would love to just say I’m sorry and I hurt people I love and care about and move on but Waters isn’t having it.

Alex thinks saying I’m sorry should just blanket everything.

Waters calls out #AlexMurdaugh for keep going into these life stories of people, Alex is really trying to hoodwink and confuse the jury.

Waters keeps getting in some good jabs.

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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 24 (Feb. 24) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

Alex Murdaugh will remain on the witness stand today for lead prosecutor Creighton Waters’ cross-examination. I’ll tweet updates.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
The Megathread from yesterday, which began with the news that Alex Murdaugh would take the stand (against the advice of his defense attorneys)
Our full story from a huge day of revelations and testimony yesterday
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1920 - 2006, a Murdaugh was a Solicitor, the chief prosecutor. #MurdaughTrial
We're going through Alex's legal career. #MurdaughTrial
Alex was a successful litigator. He was even President of the Trial Lawyers Association. #MurdaughTrial
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We're starting Day 23 of the #MurdaughTrial with pretty much confirmation that #AlexMurdaugh will take the stand. Dick is asking the Judge again about him not being asked about the financial crimes.
Dick says it will take another week for #AlexMurdaugh to testify with all of their objections if the State is allowed to ask about the financial crimes. #MurdaughTrial
They have one short witness before #AlexMurdaugh takes the stand. #MurdaughTrial
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 23 (Feb. 23) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

I’ve confirmed this morning Alex Murdaugh WILL take the stand and testify today, barring some last-minute change. This will be big.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
The decision comes after Murdaugh defense team was said to be at the local jail late last night meeting with AM.

This was not a done deal until late last night or this morning. Even now, I’m told AM could (and might) change his mind right up until the minute he takes the stand.
Our Megathread from yesterday, for those catching up
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A quick #MurdaughTrial thread. If I understand it, the defense theory is Alex left Maggie and Paul at the kennels (he didn't go to) after the video was filmed, went back to the house, fell asleep for like 5 minutes at most per the timeline, at which time a very small human /1
got on the property, grabbed 2 different family guns, killed them both while Alex was napping, and as Alex was getting up to go to his Mother's, escaped somehow in their own vehicle (or maybe on foot) with the guns (both of them) and Maggie's phone, /2
threw Maggie's phone into the woods out of a silent car's window (since Alex didn't hear a car, either) or dropped it while fleeing on foot (to where, in that neighborhood of swamp land/thick forest nobody knows) /3
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Day 22 of the #MurdaughTrial & we're starting the day with talk of #AlexMurdaugh testifying. Defense is asking about stopping the State from being able to ask certain questions on Cross.
Judge denies request to limit scope of State's cross. #MurdaughTrial
First witness today is Mark Ball, Parker Law Group (FKA PMPED) attorney. #MurdaughTrial
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 22 (Feb. 22) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

The defense will continue presenting its case today, calling its own experts as well as friends/colleagues/relatives of Murdaugh.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
The Megathread from yesterday, as the trial entered its fifth week
Murdaugh’s son Buster testified yesterday, as did a crime screen reconstruction engineer who opined Alex Murdaugh was far too tall to have fired some of the shots that killed Maggie. Our story on yesterday…
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Fernandez and Sutton are arguing about the pellets. Dick objects to the comment Fernandez makes about "We'll get to that." Judge Newman sustains. #MurdaughTrial
Are we getting into the weeds here? Does the hole the pellets went through really matter in proving if Alex pulled the triggers?? #MurdaughTrial
Does the Jury care about the State being argumentative with a witness? #MurdaughTrial
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Day 21 of the #MurdaughTrial. We're back after a long weekend. Judge says we have 2 issues: 1) Juror #441 is sick & will be replaced with Juror #530. This was an alternate Juror who took the place of #220. 2) Jim being on Twitter retweeting the article about the investigation.
Judge Newman said the first tweet he saw this morning was Jim's retweet!! Judge tells him not to post or repost anything. He says his command not to discuss the case doesn't apply to the lawyers, but it doesn't look good. #MurdaughTrial
Defense plans to wrap up their case by Friday. Jurors should expect to receive their Jury Charge sometime next week, depending on how long the State takes to Rebuttal. #MurdaughTrial
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🚨🚨🚨Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial Day 21 (Feb. 21) Megathread begins now 🚨🚨🚨

The defense will begin presenting its case in earnest this morning, starting with Alex Murdaugh’s son, Buster.

#AlexMurdaugh #AlexMurdaughTrial #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
Expect to hear from Murdaugh’s relatives, expert witnesses and possibly Alex Murdaugh himself in the coming days.

Think the defense could spend all week, and potentially into next week, calling witnesses.

Catch up with the most recent Megathread, from Friday
Our story from Friday, as prosecutors finally pulled together their scattered case into a compelling timeline…
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The Murdaughs were "Kings of the Lowcountry." #LowCountry #MurdaughDynasty #MurdaughTrial
After the murders, the town had a ghost town feel. You didn't talk about it ... cuz you could be next. #LowcountryTheMurdaughDynasty #MurdaughTrial
(I watched this when it first came out. I'm checking to see if anything sticks out to me since the trial has started.) #LowcountryTheMurdaughDynasty #MurdaughDynasty #MurdaughTrial
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